Chapter 1 of 3

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Pushing herself into the old window of the building Jenny whimpered as she cut her leg landing on an old broken chair, her eyes looking around in apprehension knowing where she was but desperation drove her on; she was only twelve and if the police caught her they would take her back to the home. No one would dare look inside the abandoned pizzeria, not after all the stories that went around about what happened to all the night guards; and that was before what went wrong which shut it down to begin with. Walking down the hall she quickly found an old torch and picked it up since the lack of light from the dirty windows restricted her vision, holding it at her side Jenny moved further into the old building until she reached a room she recognised without any sign; the large space filled with old tables and chairs along with a large stage; on which stood two very large and clearly worn down animatronics. One of the two was a large bear his brown colours rusted making the two shades hard to tell apart, a microphone still clutched in his hand as his mouth was slightly open showing his metal teeth; a bow tie sitting under his chin matching the black top hat on his head. And just behind him to his left was a rabbit one of his ears bending to nearly breaking making it stand out even more than his purple colouring, like the bear he had a bow but his was a bright red and instead of a microphone he held a matching red guitar; his fingers still splayed over the strings as if frozen in song. Although she had was not one of the many to see them when they worked Jenny recognised the characters from the midnight horrors children told, Freddie was the bear and the bunny was Bonnie and they once played for the children here; the stories said Freddie was the leader of all the animatronics but there was no one to confirm that as true. Blinking at them for a moment longer Jenny moved on her curiosity beginning to overpower her fear of the old building, her eyes finally coming across a faded and slightly torn curtained corner in the room; a large now broken sign naming it as pirate's cove. The name was familiar but until she pulled the courage to pull back the curtain Jenny didn't remember why, then her eyes met the rusted red fox sitting mouth agape on the floor; his form curled like a child who curled up in their upset to hide which only made Jenny come closer the sight pulling a cord in her chest. Unlike the others this animatronics was far more aged and had one hand missing, in its place was a rather sharp looking hook which along with a eye patch which dangled loosely on its head completed the fox's pirate appearance; yet it didn't seem as scary as it should instead just looking sad to the pre teen as she touched the top of one ear rubbing it in a unconscious attempt to comfort the lifeless machine absently remembering he was called Foxy. After a minute Jenny turned away leaving the curtained area but before she left glanced back, and decided she wouldn't close the curtain after her and offer the abandoned machine some light in its dark home; Jenny knew it was silly but she had always been a little emotional and it seemed now was no different as her stomach clenched painfully growling at her in the process. Looking around she found a service hatch and headed towards the twin set of swing doors close to it hoping it lead to the kitchen, even if this place had been shut a long time maybe it had some old cans which would have survived to be edible; but when she pushed into the room the first thing that took her attention was another animatronics which she instantly recognised. 

The large yellow machine was a chick or chicken depending on who you would ask and unlike the others wore a bib so long it looked more like an apron, the words let's eat which might have been the centre of attention once fading against the fabric the colour complementing the metal cupcake on the plate the animatronics held; oddly the candle on top of the cupcake seemed to almost glow like a low burning light but Jenny reminded herself it must be the light tricking her eyes. "E-excuse me" the words left Jenny's lips on instinct but it was mainly due to the rumours she had heard, in the stories the chicken or Chica was in charge of the kitchen and all food in the pizzeria; and just like the fox before Jenny couldn't help but react to her like she might a human in that situation. Moving around the room Jenny searched the cupboards and even old draws until she came across a small pile of tins, the labels were just legible and before too long Jenny was able to separate the few that would be alright to eat and after a search found tin openers as well; and after a five minute fight with her chosen tin Jenny finally was able to sate her stomach with some chopped fruit. The entire time Jenny stayed in the line of sight of the animatronics as she ate not feeling safe leaving it, and when she was done as if she was in a normal house Jenny binned her old tin and put away the old spoon after licking it clear; leaving the kitchen with a quiet thank you leaving her as she passed the shadow of the large yellow chick. This time Jenny headed away from the four machines thinking it would best to find a room she could lock herself in to sleep for a few hours, it was still early in the day so she felt safe enough to stay here since it was day light but no matter how desperate she was Jenny would not stay here at night; the old stories even if they were just stories scared her too much to risk it. After opening many doors Jenny finally found a room with a working lock on it and key in the door she went inside, locking the door once she found a light switch turning the light on to let her look around properly; and shockingly found herself excited at the content. The room looked like a workshop combined with a tool room a cot stood in the far corner with a old looking blanket and cushion like pillow, moving closer a Jenny's foot hit something sending it spinning to hit against the far wall; the sound of metal hitting metal making the young girl jump and turn to look at what she had accidentally hit. Taking a tentative step towards the mangled animatronics sitting slumped in a small chair against the wall Jenny looked it over with frightened curiosity, this one was not like the others as it sat literally falling apart some metal bent oddly and paint more than faded by rust in spots; the white and pale pink colourations making the fox like machine seem almost doll like. The patch on its chest which was pink resembled a heart shape despite its state of disrepair, and a pink bow sat loosely around its neck and at the base of the large tail which sat to the machines side; two almost red pink circles decorating the cheek area looking like blush circles against the white and lighter pink. The more Jenny took the machine in she realised someone had been trying to put it back together which would explain why it was partly together in some places, while in others metal did not sit right with wires and gear on display through the torn fur like metal covering its insides; the sight was inviting Jenny to try and fix it further but her eyes felt too heavy to approach the task. Glancing at the cot Jenny bit her lip moving towards it and trying to get comfortable, her eyes still darting back to the animatronic which stared at the wall it faced the sight even sadder than the red fox in the cove; which set the idea in her mind moving. She would have a few hours before it got dark even after getting some sleep, and with all the tools her and parts around the room she would be able to work on the machine and at least make it presentable; it would give her a reason to come here during the day besides sleep which oddly made her feel happy. Curling up Jenny soon fell asleep excited at her plan for the rest of the day, feeling warm and safe in the locked room of the supposedly haunted pizzeria; blissfully unaware of the sound of moving metal from across the room as she remained in dream land. 

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