Marcus Myle Crane

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Marcus Crane was born on March 1st, 1999.
He was raised in a house with only his aunt and uncle, for his mother died after giving birth and his father

Left as soon as he found out Marcus was gonna be born. Marcus was raised in a household with both strict Christians, which wasn't a problem for most of his life.
When he turned 14 he finally realized he was gay when he met a boy named Max Jon Walker. He was absolutely the most hottest boy he had ever seen.
He then slowly started to realize that his "family" would never approve of him, so he only had one thing left he could do, he ran away from home at the age of 17 with Max and stayed with him up until he was 20.
When he turned 20 he met a guy named Ethan Smith which became his very good friend. Max and Marcus moved in with Ethan when they both turned 21.
When Marcus turned 24 he ended up meeting a guy named Jake Parker, who also moved in with the three.

One night Jake and Marcus went out for a drink and had a little too much.  They came back home and welllllllllllll.....
* cough cough*
9 months later little Jamey was bornnn!
Max knew the kid wasn't his, because wittle Jamey didn't look like Max at all.
He looked like Jake.
Max and Marcus broke up and it broke poor Marcus's heart.
Jake helped take care of Jamey because even though that all happened, he was still Marcus's friend.
Years later when Marcus is now 32, his good friend Ethan gets murdered.
This obviously made Marcus very depressed, and stressed.
Sadly, at the age of 42 he ended up dying from a heart attack.
He was buried next to his best friend.

(Btw, the picture of him, Is obviously from gachalife, it's cause every time I draw him my best friend always gets them somehow, either I don't end up liking the picture and give it to him or he steals it from my notebook lmao )

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