shinsou x reader

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i have n o idea for promts jsjs

Also age up yeehaw

Yall sleepy hoes that all thats it thats the joke

Also wow you really read this lmaO


It had been a long day of hero work so naturally your limbs would give up

Walking home was tiring so you were basically dragging your feet with your long term boyfriend, shinsou , he was in the same state as you

Unlocking the apartment two small kittens come running to the door and start meowing

"Kuro and sushi missed us look shinsou!" (Y/n) pointed out with small sparkles in her eyes

"I can see that (y/n)" he said as he picked up the two kittens and walked to their room

The (h/c) haired girl smiled and took her jacket off, kicked off her shoes and hung her keys locking the door on her way over to the bedroom

The sight she saw was a endearing one

Shinsou was curled up with the two kitties softly snoring as the kittens purred

Naturally she took many photos,

she took off his shoes and placed them next to the bed then plopped herself down on the bed with her lover and furbabies

Automatically shinsous arm wrapped around her waist bringing her in closer

As the sun went down the two fell for each other all over again


I hate this one bc of how short it is :^

I can do better im just really tired next one will be long i promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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