prologue part 1

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"A-are you sure we should be doing this?" Etna mumbled to Jack as they were both handed large, metal trays filled with food.

Jack looked back at some of the other workers who whispered to one another and sighed. "Like we really have a choice?"

"Right..." Etna looked through the small square window and down the long gray hallway. She then looked back at the other nurse who had just finished tying the two key cards to their belts. "Are you sure it is ok for us to go? I mean, we have only been working here for a month and this is our first real job but they put us with an extreme patient. Are you sure there wasn't a mix up or something?"

"No, there never is any "mix up's" here Etna. The system is always right and it thinks that sending kids more her age would help her relax." the nurse said giving Etna and Jack a dull, blank stare.

"Great... well, what do we have to do again?" Jack asked avoiding the nurses gaze.

"Just go down to her room, untie her, let her eat, give her the books, and talk to her a little bit. It couldn't get any easier."

"Yeah, for you maybe but what if she lashes out at us or something?" Jack asked.

"Then we will send guards to come and help you. Now please, you really must not keep her waiting."

Slowly the door in front of them opened and the nurse quickly pushed them in before closing it again. Etna gave Jack a nervous shove and started to walk forward, Jack following close next to her.

'Keep you mind off of this Etna, just think of something else to make you feel better.' she thought to herself. Looking around, the only thing that seemed to make her feel happy was Jack. He was her best friend, and the first she met when she moved to Fire Cave Nevada when she was only 9. Now she was 13 and it seemed as if all those times had gotten harder to remember as they got closer and closer to the door at the end of the hall. She looked at Jack who had his head down, he felt the same unease as Etna even though he would never show it.

His short blond hair was brushed back and clipped to the side of his face, his dark green eyes stared down at the floor wondering just what will they meet in the dark room. Slowly, the two came to a stop at the large door. Jack glanced over at Etna who was already trying to keep herself from running away. He picked up his key card and let the scanner run over it, as Etna did the same. A loud alarm was heard and the door slowly opened into a large white room.

It was much nicer then any of the other rooms with a king size bed and 3 book selves that lined the walls. A beautiful glass table sat in middle of the room with three large desk chairs around it. Along the wall closest to the door sat a large wooden desk with stacks of paper sprawled out along the top and a few pencils and pens sat to the side. All around the room, in random places sat boxes of crayons that looked new. Jack looked down at his own tray that had it's own box of crayons on it.

Etna however didn't care about anything other then the body laying in one of the chairs. It was the girl they were sent here to look after. She had long, messy brown hair that was spread out around the feet of the chair and tan skin. She hid her face, but Etna could feel as if she was smiling back at them.

"Um, M-ms. Mortem?" Etna asked, eyes never leaving the girls body.

"Hmm, yes?" she responded.

"We... we are here to-"

"We are here to take care of you for the day." Jack responded lightly patting Etna on the back.

"You two smell new, what happened to Mary?" the girl responded shifting a little in her seat.

Etna glanced over at Jack, he nodded as if reading her thoughts. "Mary is dead ms. Mortem. She committed suicide just last night..."

"Oh... she didn't last as long as the others, did you know that?"

"U-um excuse me?" Jack said taking another small step into the room.

"I said she didn't last as long as the others. Most of them would at least make it to three months she only made it one. How did she go?"

"I...I think she hung herself." Jack mumbled glancing down.

"Just like the other..." the girls voice trailed off.

"C-can we just get started? If that is ok with you, ms. Mortem?" Etna finally managed to choke out.

Finally, the girl lifted her legs from the chair and place them on the floor. She quickly stood up and walked over to Etna who was trying not to drop the tray from her shaking. Now that they had a full view they both realized how young she was herself. She seemed to be about 13 and had long dark brown hair that touched the floor. Her bangs where cut right above her dark brown eyes and she was not much taller the Etna herself. She smiled and leaned forward, coming face to face with Etna.

"In my opinion, you wouldn't last long as well but that won't matter much after today will it?" she laughed.

Etna stepped back into Jack who had already set down his tray. "And just what is that supposed to mean?" Jack asked plastering a painfully fake smile on his face.

The girl seemed to copy him and did the same. "Oh nothing...let's just get started shall we?"

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