Welcome to Moon Trance Asylum: Prologue

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(A/N) Hello and welcome to the improved Moon Trance Asylum! I have decided to leave the first part of the old prologue (don't know why) but if you really want to start reading it, read from here and ignore the last part please and thank you! ~Alexis

~flash back~

"In other news, it has been exactly 1 year since the disappearance of Danny and Olivia Walsh who went missing on March 13 of last year. Their eldest son, Timber, has been running the Walsh toy company ever since."

"In my opinion, for a 14 year old he's doing extremely well don't you think Ron?"

"14? I thought Timber was only 13?"

"Not anymore, yesterday was the poor kid's birthday, a tragic tale don't you think?"

"Indeed it is Wendy, to celebrate your birthday the day before such a horrible event."

"Yes...well from all of us here at the channel 5 news cast we wish Timber and his twin brother a happy birthday!" suddenly, the T.V clicked off to a black screen.

(A/N) His hair is two different color's, it is divided right down the middle. Same with his eye's the right one is a very dark blue while the left is a icy blue. Just thought I would add that so you wouldn't get confused or anything.

Timber growled and glared down at the floor, he lay his forehead down on his desk and placed the control next to his right ear. His left icy blue eye gazed down upon the floor while his right Cobalt eye was covered by the black side of his hair. Everything was so messed up in his horror show of a life. His twin brother no younger than Timber by 2 minutes was allowed to act like a 6 year old and get away with it while Timber had to be 27 all the time.

There was a slight knocking at the door followed by a soft, 'hello' in a raspy, yet slightly high pitched voice.'Speak of the devil.' Timber thought resting his chin on the desk.

"Come in..." he mumbled, eyes now staring straight at the old wooden door.

The door squeaked open and in popped a bleach blond, icy blue eyed boy who was smiling brightly.

"Sup brother?" he asked opening the door fully and taking a large step inside.

"What do you want Jekyll?" Timber asked, not wanting to play any of his games.

Timber noticed the boy's somewhat fancy outfit and grumbled under his breath knowing this could only lead to something bad. Jekyll wore a gray coat with a black bow tie and a white undershirt with matching gray dress pants and black dress shoes.

"W-well...I kind of have a surprise for you!" his smile widened and his brother extended both of his arms towards Timber.

Timber lifted his head off of the desk and leaned back in his chair. "This isn't going to hurt me, is it?" he asked.

Jekyll shook his head and took another step towards him, arms still extended. "No, no not at all I promise! I just wanted to do something nice for you since you have kinda taken care of me since the whole...ordeal happened." he whispered the last part.

Finally, letting out a sigh of defeat, Timber arose from his desk and walked over towards his brother who was almost jumping in place. "Fine..." he mumbled, "but I swear Jekyll if anything hurts me-"

"Oh my god!" Jekyll half-yelled grabbing Timber's shoulder and leading him out of the room. "This isn't going to hurt, I swear! It's going to be fun, for the both of us for once."

Awhile later after what seemed like hours of walking through their estate, they finally came towards the living room. Jekyll came to a halt before turning to Timber and giving him a thumbs up before pushing the doors open and leading him in. Timber scanned the room, everything seemed in place besides for a 2 pieces of paper lying on the glass coffee table. Timber came to a halt and whipped Jekyll around on his heels.

Timber gave him a cold look. "What is this Jekyll? I am very busy and I don't have time to play games." he growled.

Jekyll sighed and took the pieces of paper from the table, holding them in his hands he held them up to Timber's face.

"Do you know what these are?" he asked waving them around.

"I'm guessing some stupid tickets to a theme park?" he asked.

Jekyll laughed and started to jump around again. "Nope even better!" he yelled.

Timber grabbed both of the boy's shoulders and pulled him down. "Stop. That." he snarled. "Just tell me what the hell they even are."

"Wow...someone's on there period." Jekyll snickered. "Any way, someone named Cole Firecave sent these to you from Firecave, Nevada. He said you two had made an arrangement or something?"

Timber's eyes quickly widened as he grabbed the paper from Jekyll's hands and looked them over. "Finally!" he yelled. "There here!"

Jekyll suddenly started to pout as he snatched the papers back. "So then, you already know what these are?" he asked.

Timber nodded, "Of course, speaking of which...what was that surprise you were telling me about?"

"That was it...I was going to tell you that Cole had invited us to be interns at the SUPER COOL Moon Trance Asylum, but it seems you already know about it."

Timber looked up and smiled at his brother, his whole body was shaking from excitement. "Jekyll, pack your bags. This summer we are going to be working at the Asylum."

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