|Yushiro| That's Different [Fluff]

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"Y/N," Lady Tamayo spoke softly. "How are you feeling?"

Y/N took a deep breath gathering as much strength as she can. She opened her mouth to answer but only a tear escaped from her eyes. It was all clear to her.

'I'm going to die,' she thought to herself.

Lady Tamayo gently caressed her cheek. "Shh, calm down. You're going to be ok—" Y/N started coughing violently from all the crying. Mucus and blood was splattering from her mouth. Her skinny body was shaking. She saw Lady Tamayo quickly ordered Yushiro to get something but Y/N could barely pay attention to anything other than her violent coughing until she felt something injected in her arm and slowly, she were calming down.

"She's not going to make it, is she?" Yushiro whispered, earning a subtle glare from Lady Tamayo. Yes, it was obvious. There was not a day she wishes to be free, to walk again, to laugh again, to live again. But not everybody was born perfect. Lady Tamayo was helping her drink water. She cursed at herself, overcome by self-pity that even drinking was an obstacle.

As Lady Tamayo was explaining to her a new medicine she weakly raised her hand up. "Please... end... m-me," Y/N croaked.

This didn't surprise both of them but it did make them feel sorry for her. Lady Tamayo was battling whether to give her hope or do what she just said. She saw in Y/N's eyes that she were tired, but she don't want to die. She was tired of fighting every day, but in her dull eyes, she still wanted to live. "There's another way Y/N," her voice was low.

Y/N was trying to control her breathing because she could feeling another coughing fit coming up. "But this treatment... it's... It's going to change your way of living." She continued to explain but somehow, her voice was fading and everything was getting blurry.

Y/N finally closed her eyes, waiting for death's sweet embrace but instead, she was greeted with an immense amount of pain.

"Yushiro looks like we have a new guest today," she said to the boy. "I hope we'll be able to cure them." It has been a year since Y/n's 'sudden recovery.' She thanked Lady Tamayo for her new life every day and devoted to helping her, just like Yushiro.

"You know, that day," Yushiro said. Both of them knew what he is talking about. "I was really scared. I thought you were gone since we injected you with Lady Tamayo's blood and you weren't even reacting with it."

"Oh, believe me, I thought I was in hell," she replied. This made Yushiro smile silently. "Wait... you were scared?"

There was a small blush on Yushiro's cheeks. "NO. I mean, who wouldn't be--- look don't you dare think—argh!" Y/N chuckled at his response.

"I know, I know. You love Lady Tamayo after all," there was a bitter taste in her mouth. "But I heard our new patient is cute."

Yushiro snapped his head. "Hey."

"Yeah, Lady said he was smart too. I can't wait to meet hi—" she was cut off by Yushiro forcing her to face him. "Don't you say another word, Y/N. I did not beg for Lady Tamayo to turn you into a demon that day just so you could fantasies being with someone other than me." He was trying to look mad, but his eyes looks like he wants to cry.

"Huh? But I thought you love Lady Tamayo?" Y/N decided to tease him some more.

"That's different! I owe my life to Lady Tamayo—we owe our life to her! And that's different—" Y/N's laugh was abruptly stopped when he hugged her. "But you... God. That day scared me so much I didn't care about anything or anyone. I... I thought if you were gone, being a demon and living for another hundreds of years is the same as being in hell. Y/N, I owe my life to Lady Tamayo, but I want to spend the rest with you."

This made her speechless. Y/N couldn't be any happier. "Say something dammit," he muttered.

"I love you too, Yushiro." She was sure his soul left his body, his face as red as fresh blood. "I-I-I l-lo-love-ve yo-y—" he was stuttering and out of frustration, he held her face and softly kissed her.

It lasted for a while and now both of tjem were red. "You know, we're too young to get married, right?" she said.

"No we're not," Yushiro said. "We're demons, we've been living for decades—" Y/N placed her fingers on his mouth. "You may be living for a decade, but I just turned into a demon last year. Technically, I'm still young."

She heard Yushiro groaned. "But Y/N—"


"You don't love me?"

"Of course I do. But we need to wait."

"Isn't it the same? We're going to stay like this for a long time."

Y/N kissed his cheek. "Just wait, alright? Don't forget I'm still not used to this body," she said as she grabbed his hand and made her way inside the house. "Don't worry. I'm all yours. I'm not going away."

"Even if the new patient's cute?" Y/N chuckled. He may live longer than her but he was still a child. "Yes, even if the new patient's cute."

He smiled and kissed her hands as the two greeted Lady Tamayo.

Bonus Ending

"Y/N," Yushiro called out. She glance at him from the mirror as she insect her face for any dirt. There was a long pause before he cleared his throat. "Y-You're a beauty," he said as he proceeds to look away, hiding his red face

Y/N chuckled as she brush her hair one more time. "Yushiro, darling, we're married." Y/N wrapped her arms around him. "No need to be embarrassed, love."

He smiled as he kissed her cheek. "Such a beauty," he muttered.

"I remember one time you refused to tell me I'm pretty," Y/N said. It was Yushiro's turn to chuckle. "And I remember one time you refuse to marry me," he retorted.

She blushed a little, hiding her face in his back. "Well, I have a valid reason for that! We were young—"

"And now we're not," he grinned. His eyes flashed a demonic look and she instantly knew what he's saying.

"No," her voice quivered. Yushiro continued to look at her. "I said no, Yushiro," Y/N tried to sound tougher than before.

"Come on, love. Sooner or later we're still going to—"

"I'm not ready to have kids!"

Note: By having kids as in adopting one. Demons can't create babies. 

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