Filthiest party 😷

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      As I walked towards Madison, I forced out a smile  hoping it didn't look too strained. "Hey girl." "OH SHIT..... What are you wearing? No offense but you look like your just from taking out the trush."
     "Madison, I think you've got bigger problems." I sayed pointing out at the ongoing fight right at the kitchen corner.
     I saw a slim,kinda cute blond guy and that's when it hits me. It was none other than Ronny. He was mercilessly beating the shit out of Gilbert. "You knew that Charlotte and I are still together yet you went ahead and flirt with her! stupid.ass.motherfucking. bitch.thot.hoe."
"Ronny! Ronny! Ronny! Can you just stop? Your supposed to be in New York! Yet your here ruining my life! You chose to run off to New York instead of staying with me! Now..... Now..... Now I choose. And I choose....... Gilbert."
         I suddenly felt my self burst into sobs but quickly put myself together and took Gilbert's hand."Gilbert let's go make out." Without even giving him a chance to answer, I dragged him to the sofa set then ' passionately' kissed him like my life depended on it.
         Gilbert responded evenly tho he tasted like a cheese burger WAIT..... That's me. When we pulled away he asked me,"Friends?"
"No way Gilbert we're in this together. Cause friends don't know the way you taste." I said a giggle escaping me.
           I then got off him and walked right towards the DJ and shouted at the top of my voice,"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED" Not noticing that Ronny had already left and for sometime, Everyone looked at me like I was some type of mad woman then out of the bloom everyone was dancing like a Maniacs tthat would not be able to see the following day.
           Dad came for  me at 3:00a.m God knows where he'd been but I had recently noticed that he was quite distant with mum and I. At times I tend to think that he might be having an affair but I quickly push away the thought.
         We get home but mom was still not around. I fill that something fishy had been happening. Lately mom had been forgetting things very easily.
"Dad. Where's mom?" "Charlotte can you have a seat? So I took your mother to St Anne's hospital cause this time she couldn't even remember who I was." "No! You did this for your self your selfish! You always have been and why do you like dyeing your hair blonde? You think I didn't notice?" " Char, you must understand that your mother isn't the same woman I fell in love with. She isn't your mother! For Christ's sake she can't even remember she has child." " So you are cheating on her? Your selfish and may the Lord forgive you cause even hell can't handle your evilness."
            I knowing where Gilbert lived, packed my clothes and stormed out if the house. "Ungrateful bitch! She's just like her mother." I heard my father mummer in the kitchen but still couldn't believe that he had just cursed.
           Tears running down my cheeks making a clear numeral eleven. I couldn't believe he had just done that to me poor, innocent me (well not innocent).

I know it's not much but it's the most I've ever written 😏😏 am progressing and this is dedicated to  MANU btw I love you too.....😍😍😍 And also thanks to everyone who has read all that SHIT cause if you went through it your definitely so fucking fearless and No shit can ever fucking stop you from being yourself Btw don't forget to follow me and also don't forget to give me a big fat star for all the work I did just just for you Love you all☺☺☺☺☺☺

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