Kalo bicara suka ga suka semua orang punya kriteria masing masing , cakep lah tinggilah, mancunglah, dan lain lain.
Kalo orang bilang gw terlalu lama single karna mikirin kriteria?
Its really big no
Ya jujur sih walaupun gw lemah banget liat cowo putih,sipit,pake behel,senyum. Udalah aku mah nyebur aja .g
Tapi ga ga ga kalo kata kalian halu ini serius loh kalo kata kalian cowo behelan kaya banci sungguh kalian tidak menikmati keindahan.
Just want to share in this chapter its not a story this just "share" okay.
Lets go swipe to the real story🔝
Damage ;
Teen FictionLife its not that difficult, life is about you reminder yourself to be usefull for every people. -nat "Kapan ya dia putus" "Eh eh eh"