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My legs ache as I climb from the bed, still clutching the sheet around my body. I just want to get out of his room now. I look for my underwear having no idea where Oli had thrown it in the heat of the moment, and I grab tissues from the table and dab my eyes, a slick of black mascara residue staining the fibre as I look back at it. As I find my underwear I can't get it on fast enough as I drop the sheet from around my body. I'm trying to think about something, anything, to take my mind off what just happened and stop myself from crying. 'I don't regret it do I?' I wonder to myself. I move to the couch and grab my bra and doing it up before pulling on my jeans and reaching over for my t-shirt. As I pull the shirt above my head, I hear the electronic lock on the door.

'FUCK!' I think to myself, panicked that he will be pissed off that I'm still there.
"I'm sorry, I'm leaving." I say, too terrified to even look around.
"Wait." I hear from the doorway, the sound of Oli's voice resinating through the room. He sounds calm, almost quiet. I'm so confused... didn't he just tell me to leave? I don't know what to do... My makeup is smeared  everywhere, my eyes are teary and my nose is sniffly... I'm horrified at the thought of being 'the girl who cried' after having sex with him, but there's nothing I can do about it. As I pull my arms through the shirt, suddenly Oli's arms wrap around my waist from behind.
"You ok?" he asks gently. I'm taken back by the contact to be honest, but more so by the question. Since when did he care? He wanted me to leave?!
"Yep..." I reply unconvincingly. He lets go of my body and pulls my hair back away from my face with one of his hands, his fingertips pushing it behind my ear. His lips softly press into my neck, and the arm around my waist tightens. Without thinking I move my arms to his, wrapping them over the top of his arms around me. I'm not sure why he's doing this, but I feel comforted. I close my eyes and just stand there as his warm lips softly touch against my skin.
"Sorry I was a cunt a minute ago." he whispers, his hot breath skimming across my neck. "I need to get to sleep, but I didn't have to be an asshole." he adds. I don't know how to respond, so I just say nothing. He loosens his grip on me, so I sit down to put on my socks and boots.
"Where are you staying?" he asks with his phone in his hand.
"Hotel Indigo, Leicester Square." I reply.
"Ok." he says, fiddling with his phone. I get up and go over to find my handbag. I don't remember putting it there, but I can see it sitting on the work desk in his room.
"Four minutes. Black Volkswagen Golf." he says, having obviously ordered an Uber to take me home.
"Thanks." I reply. I honestly don't know what else to say.

He walks up and stops in front of me, but I don't even look up at him. He puts his arms around me silently and squeezes.
"Don't ever think you're not beautiful." he says softly in my ear. I close my eyes almost amused that he's saying this as he's kicking me out of his hotel room after fucking me, but I don't let myself show any emotion. He releases me and looks at his phone. "He's almost here."
"Ok, thanks." I say in response, I don't know what else to say so I just look at the door and move toward it and hope he'll say something so I don't have to.
"Have a safe flight home." he says as I go to turn the handle.
"Thanks, I will." I say, shooting my eyes up to his for a split second.
"Bye." he says. I fake a smile.

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