Chapter 6, I'm running out of Cliffhangers :(

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"Well?" He said impatiently.

Oh, you're back for more? How delightful. And yes, the chapter name speaks the truth (not the cringe 'Chapter 6.') I am running out of cliffhangers to write.

"Look, sir, we were just looking for the bathroom and-" Antonio says but gets cuts off with a snort.

I facepalm. Note to self, I thought, remember to explain to Antonio that excuse doesn't work anymore. And why would there be a bathroom in the library?

"Heard that loads of times before, give me the real reason why." He says. The look on his face kind of gives away he's trying to contain his impatience, frustration and loss of time.

So I did what every dumb, idiotic and honest person did, I told him the truth. Like EVERYTHING that has happened to me so far.

Throughout my story, his expression softens. Is that a good thing or is he plotting to get an excuse from it to kick us both out? Antonio just stands there looking at me, shaking his head. Hey, it's not my fault! D:

"Alright, how about we get out of here and then you can ask me questions about the newspaper." He says as he walks out the door, gesturing for us to follow him.

Antonio hesitates, then walks out the door to follow him. "Fai you coming?" He asks, looking at me with a curious look.

Clutching the newspaper, I follow them out.


He leads us to an empty cafe with only two or three people there. It looked nice besides the fact nobody comes here often.

It's also a bar at night. I'm guessing that's when a lot of people come here. I'm starting to think this is a more like pub than a cafe.

Oh, and you're probably wondering Where is Yuro? Well, ladies and gentleman, I handled that very well. I dragged him.

Dragging is great. Anyway, we stopped by a local cafe and we headed inside.

He didn't even ask us if we wanted anything. Rude much? Or maybe he isn't getting food. Wait, what kind of guy doesn't get food at a cafe? Huh...

I narrowed it to two possibilities, either he's just a rude guy or is asking a question.

He comes back with drinks for us and surprisingly gives me one of my favourite type of food, noodles.

Now you may be thinking When have you ever tried noodles before?

Well, I remember trying it one miracle day at that care centre/prison and turns out I liked it.

Sadly that was the only day they ever served that.

Anyway, I found out his name was Aoyama and that he was the brother of Weru Yerun. (I'm surprised). As in insert a surprised Pikachu face.

He said he lived in the room we were in (shook) and that his brother never even knew that.

I asked how he knew that I liked noodles and he wouldn't tell me, I then asked if he knows where his niece is. Instead, he just went to answer Antonio's questions. I don't know how to feel about that.

I guess I'll ask him another time, or another year, or another century. Eh, I'd say century.

For why he gave me noodles what I've got that he's either stalking me (unlikely) or he was there when we tried noodles for the first (and last) time.

Or maybe he's a mind reader! Just kidding. Maybe? He probably could be. Do mind readers exist? Maybe I should dig deeper into that theory.

He then asked me how I was doing, with this deep concern in his expression as if he knew me. Oh yeah, he definitely knew me.

I reply with an 'I'm good' with a curious look on my face, he immediately regains his former expression and carried on explaining.

I spaced out until Yuro's question got my attention. "When will the war be over?".

"What?!" I cut in before Aoyama could reply. Yuro gave me an apologetic look as he meant it. Weirdly enough, it did look like he meant it, but why?

"Surely you have heard of the word 'war' before?" Aoyama said, raising an eyebrow.

I roll my eyes before replying "I mean, why is there a war going on?"

"Our country is trying to fight for independence, so far it's not working well." He sighs.

"It all started when the treaty applied that we are required to sell almost everything we have to them. We didn't hesitate since we wanted peace, but then they demanded even more things, and that leads us to now. What's annoying is that the war has been going out for 12 years."

12 years. I thought. That's how long I was in that prison.

"Why that long?" Antonio asked.

"Not sure, they've been burning buildings and raiding countries for a while now. The army here is only focusing on defence! We have to raid them at some point." He says, with a look of displeasure in his eyes.

As they talked about the war I kinda zoned out. What and why? Those were the words swarming in my head, attacking my brain. To be honest, I don't think I even have one.

It was weird though, I can't believe I've never heard of this war. Did the stupid garbage truck know?! If so why wouldn't they tell anyone?! Especially me.

I sigh as I finish my noodles, a look of wide curiosity on my face. Yuro noticed and asked me if I'm okay.

I told him I was fine, but I felt like it was easy to discern I was lying.

What made me scared was what if my parents were out there? What if they are tangled in the middle of it? I'm not sure that even the Capitol is safe. But what if they were dead?!

Okay, that's a bit negative. I should just focus on positive thoughts. Oh wait, I don't have any right now.

As I turn around to a television screen behind the table, I see something that catches me off guard.

It made me gasp. Even the relief faded away because I immediately turned guilty.

The others turned to look at me, with questioning looks on their faces until they saw what I was looking at.

It was the bombing of the garbage truck.

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