Chapter 6 - He is gentle...♡

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"Hyung! Irene is hurt." He said.

"D.O, go get the emergency kit for me." Suho asked.

"How did she-" Suho asked and glared at me then back to Sehun.

"She sprained her ankle." Sehun said.

"Irene-ah" Chanyeol called

and suddenly Sehun yelled loudly, "YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER, YOU FUCKING DICK".

My eyes widen and I cried.

"That is not how you talk to you hyung, Sehun." Suho said and he examined my ankle.

"Sehun, please calm down. This is a small issue, why-" Chanyeol said

but Sehun cut him, "Small? You call this small? She twisted her ankle now and you call this a small issue?"


Sehun clenched his fist and he wanted to punch Chanyeol so badly in the face but he managed to control himself.

"Fucker" he said to Chanyeol

"This will hurt abit, Irene. It will take only afew seconds. Ready?" Suho said to me.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Yes" I replied to Suho.

"AAAHHH" I screamed in pain as Suho twisted my leg back to the original position. I heard a crack sound from my ankle and it felt like my ankle broke.

"Done." Suho said.

I opened my mouth, wanting to thanked him but no words managed to come out because my ankle hurts so much right now.

Sehun sat next to me. I looked into his eyes and he looked worried, sad and tears.

"TEAR!? Is he crying?" My mind said.

I slowly took my hand up to his cheeks, i used both my thumbs and wiped his tears. He held my hand that was on his cheek then kissed it.

"I am sorry." He apologised sincerely.

I can feel it, no one made me felt this way, his handsome face, his touch, his breath, his smile and... MY HEART. Slowly his face appreared near my face, nearer amd nearer till there was a gap between our noses about 1cm.

He stopped and let out a sigh, when he was about to move backwards, I moved forward. My lips crashed on his, his eyes widen and slowly his arms wrapped around my waist. I closed my eyes and he deepens the kiss, so passionate.

"I think I am in love with this guy, deeply." I said to myself.

We broke the kiss for air, he placed his forehead on mine and whispered,

"This is your first kiss?".

I lightly hit his chest and he grinned. He carried me to his car, buckled my seatbelts and closed the door. He got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"Oppa" I called.

"Yes, Irene." He replied.

'I LOVE YOU' I mouthed to him, he smirked and kissed my lips.

'I LOVE YOU TOO' he mouthed back. I could feel my cheeks are hot and i am blushing.

Few minutes later, we arrived at my house. I saw Appa amd Omma waiting at the door. The minute he stopped infront of the gate, Omma rushed and opened the car door.

"Honey, are you alright?" Omma cried.

"I'm ok, omma. How did you-" I asked.

"Your brother called. He's on his way back now." Appa said.

'Aarrgghh, dongsaeng. Why did you tell Appa and Omma. I will kill you later.' I said to myself.

Sehun carried me out from the car, all I can do is to wrap my arm around his neck. Appa came towards us and held out his hand.

"Let me do it, Mr. Huang." Sehun said.

Appa nodded and Sehun took me upstairs. He lay me on my bed and closed the door. He walked to my cupboard and grabbed my pyjamas.

"Come, take off your dress." He said.

"W-What?" I asked.

"You need to change then sleep." He said.

"I need to bath first." I said as I tried to get up.

"Let me do it." He said and walked to the bathroom. The squeeking of the tab as he turned the knob, the sound of the water flows, slowly filling the tub.

"Oppa, add some lillies please." I asked.

"What? Flowers? Where?" He asked.

"On the shelf, put about 5 of them in." I said as i pointed to the shelf behind him. He took the dried flowers and threw few into the tub. In minutes, the fragrant of the flowers diffuses into the air.

"Tub is full." He said.

He carried me into the bathroom and let me sit on the edge of the bathtub.

"Undress, I wont look" he said and turned around.

I quickly unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor, unhooked my bra and slided down my panties. I slowly got into the tub.

"Done?" He asked.

"Yeah" I said and he turned around.

He picked my dress and undergarments up and threw it into the laundry basket. He closed the toiletbowl seat and sat on it.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked.

'He sound so gentle, so kind. How could he be shouting and wanting to beat up Chanyeol like a gangster, be so gentle, so tame, so loving?' I asked myself.

"Irene?" He called and i snapped from my daydream.

"A-ah, y-yes. A bit." I replied.

"I will put some oilment for you later. Call me when you're done." He said and closed the door.

I slowly cleaned all the dirty on my arm. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my wet body.

"Oppa!" I called.

He knocked first and came in. He held both my hands and kissed them then smiled. He gave my my pyjamas and i wore it. He carried me to bed amd took my leg up. He applied some oilment for me and cover me with my blanket.

"Sweet dreams, my Irene." he said and kissed my forehead. He switched off the lights, closed the door.

"Is she asleep?" Mr. Huang asked.

He nodded amd let out a sigh.

"Hyung" Tao called.

"Let's talk outside" Sehun said.

"Thank you for today, Sehun-shi." Mrs. Huang thanked. He bowed 70° and went out, Tao followed.

"How is nunna?" Tao asked.

Hi there... I know it sounds weird that Tao is calling Sehun 'hyung'.. since Sehun is the maknae... LOL...

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