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       chase comes home late to a very upset noen.

it was currently 11:25 pm, noen was sitting on the couch, still waiting for chase to return home from a party. chase promised the blonde haired boy, that he would be home 10:30 pm sharp. but, here noen was, annoyed, waiting for his boyfriend to come back.

about 10 minutes later, he saw a familiar car pull up to the driveway.

noen was upset over chase not coming home early, because, the boy promised noen that he'd come home early so him and noen could watch stranger things together.

he heard chase unlocking the front door, not even bothered getting up from the couch to open the door for him. the taller boy opened the door and smiled when he saw his boyfriend sitting on the couch.

frowning, when noen didn't even bother to run up to him and give him kisses and hugs like usual. he went over to the couch and tried to apologize to his boyfriend.

"you're late." was the first thing noen said to chase. "i know babe, i'm sorry, they wanted to play more party games and they didn't want me to leave. i really tried to go. we can watch stranger things tomorrow night."

noen sighed, softening over chase's soothing voice. "y-you know i cant tomorrow. i have class."

chase felt even more guilty. "i'm sorryyyy" he whined into the blonde boy's ear, trying to hug him. "no. you're sleeping on the couch tonight." chase whined even more "noennnnnn babyyyyy pleaseeee i'm sorrrrryyyy..."

noen huffed and threw chase a pillow and blanket. "goodnight chase. i love you. " the smaller boy said, mumbling the last part.

chase smirked, he heard what his boyfriend had said. "i'm sorry, speak up baby. i couldn't hear that last part?" he asked in a teasing tone.

noen slapped the taller boy's chest, "don't push it." he grumbled, as he got up from the couch and headed up stairs.

the bed felt empty without chase. as much as noen would like to stay mad at chase

he knew he couldn't. he had such a soft spot for chase. groaning, he slowly got up and walked down stairs.

smiling at seeing his boyfriend softly snoring on the couch, he walked over. "hey stupid, wake up i want cuddles."

the brown haired boy woke up, yawning, rubbing his eyes. "what time is it?" he said, voice raspy. "it doesn't matter.. please just c-cuddle me.." noen said, flushed pink. "aww babe. you don't even have to ask." chase cooed.

noen took his hand, and dragged him out from the couch and walked up stairs, hand intertwined with his boyfriend. they both tiredly, laid down in bed. chase wrapped his arms around noen's waist, and noen snuggled himself up into chase.

"goodnight chase...i love you." but chase was already asleep. noen giggled, and soon enough fell asleep.

uhh i'm supposed to be sleeping but i got this idea randomly so enjoy??? it's kinda messy n rushed but i think it's p cute??? hope u enjoyed! i'll try to update online tmrw or so.. but i got lots of hw so maybe not? gn luvs

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