What is a "Squip"? - Chapter 1

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——Y/n (Your) POV!——

"So, any plans for the new year?" Micheal asked as he bit down on his sandwich.

"Nothing specifically." I shrugged.

"I kinda wanna gain some amount of popularity and not have to be at the bottom of the food chain..." Jeremy answered. Micheal and I chuckled at Jeremy's response.

Micheal put his arm on Jeremy's shoulder. "Trust me, man, you're already so cool! Just, no one has noticed it yet," He answered. "Besides me and (Y/n), of course!" Micheal quickly added.

Jeremy glanced back down at the food he was eating. "Yeah, I suppose." He said. Jeremy was smiling, but it was faint, and I could tell that his popularity goal still remained.

Micheal, Jeremy, and I were sitting outside on the bleachers during lunchtime, we weren't exactly supposed to be out here, but we were desperate to get out of the cafeteria. Why? Because the popular kids would constantly harass and tease us, so much so that we just had to get out of that hellish place.

Micheal and Jeremy have been my best friends since freshman year. They have always been here for me, and I've always been there for them. We actually met because our lockers are right next to each other, and bonded over our mutual love for video games and musicals.

Actually, one of the real reasons they're my best friends is because they actually listen to me and my problems... They care about what I think or how I feel... And they've seen my cuts on my arms and legs. They worry and care for me a lot more than anyone else ever had. They've even prevented my multiple suicide attempts, I get that this took a dark turn, but it's because it's true...

"Anyway," Micheal said, interrupting my train of thought. "After school, do you guys want to go the Sev-Elev?" He asked.

I lightly chuckled at his request. "Mikie, is that even a question?" I answered with an arched brow. "You and I both know that we need to go there to-"


"Heh, Suck on that straw, get lost in the pain!" Jeremy chuckled as he continued the lyrics.

"Happiness comes, when everything numbs," Micheal sang while pointing at his temples.

"Who needs cocaine?" I finished as I wiggled my eyebrows intensely at my two idiots.

Micheal laughed. "I love you guys so much." He explained.

I pushed his shoulder. "Aw- mE tOo sIS!"

Jeremy opened his mouth to say something but he was abruptly cut off by the sound of the bell. "Crap, we need to get inside!" Jeremy stressed.

Micheal rolled his eyes as he helped me and Jeremy up off the bleachers. "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry... You worry too much. Come on, the side door is always unlocked." He said, trying to calm Jeremy.

Jeremy nodded and we ran to the door that was off the side of the building, just as Micheal said, it was indeed unlocked. The three of us rushed towards our lockers. I shoved my World History book into the locker and grabbed my Spanish binder. "Ready to go Jer?" I asked. Jeremy takes Spanish along with me while Micheal takes french.

Jeremy nodded and we said our goodbyes to Micheal. Jeremy and I walked towards our Spanish classroom, but Jeremy stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Jer?" I asked.

"S-Sorry, I have to use the bathroom..." He nervously chuckled.

"Oh okay, I guess I'll come with," I said as we changed our destination. (Let's pretend there are gender-neutral bathrooms in the school) Jeremy and I walked into the bathroom, but we stopped as soon as we saw Rich using the urinal.

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