The highschool crush

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I look at the alarm clock , still half awake "Shit, I am late" I tell myself and get out of bed. Briefly I head downstairs after changing into whatever I could find. "Honey , eat some breakfast" my mother tells me from the kitchen. "Thanks mom but I'll eat in School " I tell her while rushing at the front door ,I take my car out of the driveway and head towards the school.
After parking the car , I check myself in the mirror and get out of the car pulling my jacket close to me. I enter the classroom and I see people have already seated and only one seat was empty ,and Justin beside it. "No no no " I think to myself while walking towards my seat. He is busy on his phone so he didnt notice me, after settling my books on the table I look at him from the corner of my eye , he is wearing a white shirt and black jeans , his dirty blonde hair falling at one side of his face . He keeps his phone in his pocket and looks at me with a sweet smile. My heartbeating rapidly in my chest which could explode any moment now. After the class got over I was packing up my stuff and I realized that Justin forgot one of his notebook under the table I took it with me and walked back to my locker noticing Justin leaning against a few lockers away from me.

"You should talk to him" I turn around to see my best friend, Stacy. "What" I reply trying to play dumb. "C'mon , I know you have a crush on him" she tells me with a sly smile. "But he is never gonna talk to me" I tell her with a sigh. " How do you know if have never talked to him before" she responds "But I always get nervous and awkward around him and I dont know what to say to him" I let her know "well you just have to find a way to start a conversation" she replies with a smile "He forgot his notebook in the class maybe I can return it to him" I tell her. I take it out of my backpack and start walking towards him. "Hey you forgot this in class" I tell him. "Oh thank you y/n" he says with a smile. "Uh-you're w-welcome" I tell him while hesitating and walk away.

At break

I take my food tray and walk over to one of the tables waiting for Stacy to arrive. "Hi" a familiar voice enters my ears and I just force when my eyes meets Justin's. "H-hi" "I wanted to ask you something but you left so swiftly" he tells me. "Oh i'm sorry I didnt know , what is it?" I ask him curiously , he takes a seat near me. "Well you know it's the weekend , so I... well I wanted to ask if you wanna go watch a movie with me" he asks me and I almost choke on my food when I hear those words. I look at him and then look down at my shoes. "Yeah sure - I mean okay" I reply. "Great" he tells me with a big smile on his face. "Well , I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6" he tells me and I nod. He proceeds to his friends as Stacy walks over to me. "What just happened?" She looks at me confused with her brows furrowed. "Justin just asked me out on a date -" i pause "i guess" i tell her nervously. "Where are you guys going?" She questions "he asked if we could go to movie and I say yes in a totally embarrassing way" she laughs when she hear my answer "I dont even know how to be around him Stacy " I tell her burying my head in my hands. "Chill , you just have to be yourself , dont act like you're someone else just be you" she assures me. "You gotta be there for me until he arrives , please" I plead her. "Okay" she tells me with a smile.

The next day

Stacy arrived and helped me pick an outfit, I chose a red dress with black leather jacket on it with some winter black ankle boots, getting nervous about the evening, I pace around my room. After a few minutes the doorbell rings and I rush down to answer the door, but my dad already opened up the door revealing Justin at our doorstep. "You must be Justin" my dad says smiling "yes sir" he replies nervously trying to smile to hide it. "We should go,bye dad" I tell him. "Hi" I say , forgetting everything Stacy told me. "Hey, look..p-pretty" he tells me scratching his neck shyly."Thank you" I answer walking over to his car as he opens the door for me.

When we're both seated , I look at him , he is wearing a white t-shirt with a denim jacket on top and some jeans , his hair messy but in a good way

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When we're both seated , I look at him , he is wearing a white t-shirt with a denim jacket on top and some jeans , his hair messy but in a good way. He has some tattoos on his neck.

We play some songs on the radio while on the way and talk a little about ourselves.

After the movie, he wanted to give me a surprise. He takes me to a small cafe near a park. We go inside and take two hot chocolates  and head towards the park. We sit on a wooden bench and I take a sip of my drink, feeling warm. "You know, I never knew I could be here sipping hot chocolate with you" I tell him. "I kind of had a crush on you y/n for few weeks but you never really talked to me" he tells me. "I thought the same, I thought you never really liked me" I tell him embarrassed. "You know I left the notebook on purpose" he tells me with a smirk on his face. "You're full of surprises Bieber" I respond , slapping his chest playfully. He lets out a chuckle and licks his lips while staring at mine. I lean in and cups my face with his hand and kisses me softly . After a few seconds we pull back and my face turns red.After a while we head home and he escorts me to my porch , he stops near the doorsteps holding my hand, "I wanted to ask you something else too?" He says to me " Will you go to the dance with me?" he continues.A smile forms on my face "Yes" I tell him  "goodnight y/n" he tells me not wanting to let go "goodnight Justin" i respond, kissing his cheek .

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