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a/n: warning: This chapter is unedited.

"Is there something you've dreamed of for a long time?" Yves asked.

They were currently doing the first assignment that was basically just them asking each other questions. Chuu thought for a second before looking up at the goddess across her.

"Yes," she answered.

The dark-haired senior tilted her head, confused, the cute action causing Chuu to have a mini heart attack. "Is there a reason why you haven't done it yet?"



​​​​​​ As chuu was about to open the door, a certain dark-haired goddess beat her to it, holding the door open for her with a charming smile. The red-haired couldn't be more in love.

She tried to get in, but the space that the tall girl had offered was small trapping her between the taller girl's arms. She looked up slowly, eyes getting lost in the warm brown orbs before her. Her eyes flicked down to her rosy lips. They looked so soft and full and she found herself wondering what it felt like to kiss them. It was only at that moment did she notice their owner inching closer, so close that she could feel her warm breath on her lips.

"The kind of fateful love seen in movies or tv shows. I'm waiting for that kind of love."

Their lips were too close, they were almost touching- ah chuu!


"I'm telling you, she's totally in love with me!"

"Just because she held the door open for you? I'm sorry but I think she was just being kind."

"What? No!" Chuu crossed her arms in a defensive manner. "Come on Lip, she even called me cute the first time she saw me!"

Lip snorted. "When did you become one with a key ring? I remember you said she complimented your key ring and not you." She giggled at her friend's adorable sad face, with an adorable pout. She couldn't help but squeeze her friend's cheek.

"Oh! There's something else..."

The red-haired for groaned in frustration. She was trying to catch a glimpse of the club (totally because she was interested. Not because of a certain goddess. No.) but her short height didn't allow her to see much. She was startled by the sound of the door opening and shutting, and suddenly she was face to face with the girl that has been invading her thoughts since she first saw her.

"Oh! Hi Chuu!" she waved cutely, giving her one of the best smiles she's ever seen.

"Unnie, hi." she looked down shyly, avoiding the brown eyes that take her breath away every time they lock eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she tilted her head, the same action that always melts Chuu's heart.

"I'm just curious about the club over there..." she smiled nervously.

"Huh?" Yves looked at the direction and back at Chuu. And back in that direction. She was there a few seconds ago but... Oh?

"Stop looking like that!" the shorter girl hit her arm weakly, playfully glaring at her. Cute, Yves thought.

"Wow, so you went there stalking the pretty club leader. Interesting." Lip hummed, stuffing her face with food.

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