(08/11/19) 2:01 p. m

28 1 0

I cried in pain,  but all you just did is to stare at me--stare at me with full of disgust and judgement.
I plead to lend a hand,  but you just stood there like i was nothing.

I looked around and saw a mirror,
saw my reflection and  cried even more.
I wipe my tears and saw the surrounding,
..that I wish i never did.

Thousands of eyes staring at me,
I felt a little hope,
But instantly collapsed when they ignored me like i am just a mere shadow-
just like how you turn back at me.

My body became numb,
The bruise and scars in me feels like nothing.
Once again i saw my reflection, 
eyes like winter but its storming inside.

I remember the faces while ago-
  i know them.
They were once part ot my life,
And they broke me.

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