B.B.T.K (Best Bitch To Kill

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Hi I'm Trinity black so I never new my mother my father is a ass hole who is only interested in women. I am the only one who lives in the house. My nickname is street cat because I can't and won't be tamed.I go to school it's privet that's the only thing my father ever does is pay for the bills for me .I also have a thing against guys. Obviously because of my father. But I'm not lesbian just to get that cleared up.
When I turned 13 on December the 29th of 2014 I found out when the clock struck twelve at night ( I don't like to sleep at night I mostly sleep at day. And yes I know it's cheesy but it happened ) a paw print was glowing on my chest over my heart it was like a cat had stepped in black ink and pressed its paw on my chest you could see its claws and every thing. When I went to the mirror I saw two cat ears one was black one was white and a cat tail it was white with a black tip. I tried to pull them off but when I did all I could fell was pain it felt like ten people were trying to pull off an arm, leg or my head. I went out side And when I did there were street cats everywhere. A cat came out of the glaring( for those who don't know what a glaring of cats is. it's just another name for a group of cats) it was white with a black patch on its nose it came up to me with a silver choker necklace it had a full moon and a cats eye they were metal charms as well as a silver bell on it in its mouth. Then the cat spoke to me she said "hello street cat.(have I finally gone compleat lay bonkers) Do not worry you have not gone crazy you are just very.........special. We will be your family if you protect us. Is it a deal street cat. If so put this collar on." I did not have to think about it. I don't know why but I just had a feeling that if I don't something bad will happen. when I did I said to them "I have done as you cats have asked. what has it done for me." "Silly girl. humans cannot see your tail and ears now that you've put it on. If you feel a strong emotion they will be able to see them though. Now we will protect you. You must protect us like you have done all your life and you will keep protecting us all your life." I smiled and walked over to her and knelt down. "Umm may~may I pat you." She walked forward "Of course street cat." I patted her on her head. After that night I could see things what I couldn't before. People with wild animals...............And us humans would just walk past. One day I asked my best friend Maria (I don't get along with people very well so if you were wondering it is rare for me to have a friend and even rarer a best friend)if she saw a girl and her wolf Fighting a tiger and his owner on our school oval . She looked at me like I was crazy and said she didn't see anything. I was sent to the office by the teacher then sent home while being told I was sick. after that day I made some rules to keep me out of trouble rule.
1. Do not make eye contact with them
2. Do not speak to them
3. Do not touch them
4. Do not get caught by them
One night I went for a walk at 8:34 pm a man came up to me he had sun glasses on which I thought was a bit weird since it was night time. he also had a African lion with him. Then he grabbed my wrist and said " are you trinity black " I stood still thought about the possibilities I could fight or run. Buuuut ...... I don't like to run. "No" "you must be you can see and touch me." "No you see I never said I'm not the person you need to talk to." I then faced his animal and said "excuse me but I wouldn't like to hurt you little lion." Then the lion nodded and walked away five paces and wouldn't go near me "thank you boy " at least now I wouldn't have a lion ripping me apart. Then I turned to face the man again and he looked at me with a what I thought was either a shocked or scared expression, it's hard to tell when he has sun glasses that sit over half his face "now back to what we were saying, see I don't like to use the name trinity black. I prefer the name street cat." Then he jumped forward and tried to grab my wrist again but when he jumped forward I jumped back and a little to the left while grabbing his arm and pulled. He went toppling down on to his back at my feet. His glasses fell off too. I put my foot on his neck and said " if I put pressure on your neck it will snap." He looks at me. With a scared expression "....... " "Now that all of the fun stuff is over let's get to the serious stuff. Who sent you here." He was silent for a while. Agh I hate these peap...thing... Arghh you know what I mean. Great just great I'm talking to myself again. I applied a little bit of pressure to his neck with my foot." .I~I~I~It was king Abe of the lions . He came to me and told me to tell you that you will be needing to come to our world soon." I froze. wait no no no no no no, there there's absolutely can't be, no way, no there can't be a world of these people . I take my foot of his neck then start walking home. then the street cats come and walk with me. He gets up and his lion walks to his side. Then the man says. " where are you going ........ Street cat." I look at him " I just made some rules a month ago and broke all but one ...... How about I tell you what they are : number 1:Don't make eye contact with your kind. Number two : don't speak to your kind. Number three : don't touch your kind. Number four : don't get caught....... I need to go home now so please don't follow me."
Dammit. it's been two months since I saw that guy. And now I just keep seeing more and more and more of these things, people ahh you get the point. Dammit am I doomed to this deadly fate.(sense the drama and sarcasm)All the sudden my best friend Maria aka dove stands next to me "tweet tweet" I turn to Maria. I look behind her and see a flock of boys. WOW there are a lot of boys here today. Yep you guessed it she is the kind of girl that attract boys from all over the world and then they bow down at her feet with precious gems. Ok ok I'm just over exaggerating well kind of. She does attract boys from all over the world.Ok let's get back to the point. what's different about her today. ( by the way every day we have this thing that we do. we change something about us every day) ok so hairs the same long hair that goes to the wast still blond with a brown tinge ,ok green eyes no contacts ,dress ,same jewellery ,wait I got it makeup she has hot pink eye shadow !gold! eyeliner and soft pink lipstick. " Maria is it the makeup." She smiles wide ( still beautifully ) "yes! You like it." "Of course I do" as we walked past a mirror I look at my self in it I have dark brown hair that goes down to my waist that I haven't put up, brown eyes, purple glasses with cat paw prints on the sides, freckles, dark purple eye shadow and dark red lipstick. I'm wearing black jeans and a dark purple shirt that says yeah I am a sassy deal with it !!! She looks like a modern goddess, I look like a modern Demond And somehow we are friends.how does this work.
" hey street cat ... Are you ok, your staring at a table with no one there." shit I was staring at them again. " oh was I. " "yes you were now let's see I think you are wearing new shoes." I smile "yeah like them." "Of course. So how are ya." Then some guy walks to our table and faces Maria "hi miss hottie how are you." "Hmmm. Oh hello who are you." I look at him then at Maria. Maria looks at him then at me. Aahh jeez Maria "Maria he is in the class next to ours and he's in the popular group. From the expression an his face and his posture he is flirting with you. Now I know what your going to say but I gotta go so enjoy you time together. Bye Maria. Bye mr flirtatious." I grab my bag my shoes that I had taken of to show Maria and walk to her mum bare foot "hi Mrs cloud I gotta go now thanks for taking us to the shops and taking care of me today." "Are you ok with that dear I could take you to my place. " I look at her and say "thank you but I need to go home today ." She looks at me like she's about to say it again but nothing comes out I turn around and start walking away when the guy say to Maria with my cat ears "Maria how can you talk to her let alone hang out with her." By now he's taken my seat. I stop and hear Maria say "she's a bitch yes I know. but I'm in control of her. So it's alright" I drop every thing. OHH no she didn't. friends for 1 year and all along she's been using me. I know they can see my ears and tail now because every ones staring at me. I turn around and say." Oh I'm so very sorry for interrupting your sucking face session but I need to tell you something slut." I look around and see the street cats are here. I look back at her and she's shocked. I can see the anger boiling in her face "how dare you speak to me like that." She walks over to me everyone else is silent so you can hear her heals clicking on the floor. Click clack. Then she says "so your a cat freak no wonder your mom left you." While she was saying this I was looking in a mirror my eyes have turned catlike with slits as my pupils shape and the brown in my eyes is glowing. I look around the street cats have come out of hiding. I turn around. Once she sees my face she instantly looks like she's going to faint. I look into her eyes and speak " you fuckin bitch by the time I'm done with you you won't have a body left and all people will by able to see for miles around is your blood and guts maybe a few bones." I look at her face and she's gone pail like a snow covered mountain. "I thought you knew but maybe you don't" I bend over to her ear and whisper "Cats eat birds " then she says something she will regret "your mother was probably a slut and maybe a freak like you, I wouldn't be surprised if she was raped than killed and left on the street to die." That's is I see my nails turned into razor sharp claws and I saw my teeth turn catlike and I slashed her cheek and pushed her to the ground hissed at her then picked her up by her neck so she can't touch the floor. "if I ever see you again I will kill you and feed you to the birds. Got it dove." I let her go and dropped her to the ground she fell and I turned around and saw what I feared most. It was the~the things they saw me they new who I was. But the street cats, they came to me. I see them staring at the things. I say to our ordinance "next time you see a cat on the street or in your house and you hurt it remember I will come for you and ..... Let's just say this" I point to myself "This will be the last thing you will ever see, so be very very careful." Then I walked out no one would go near me now and I smiled at that because I knew that this all meant that I am. And what I am...... is a street cat.

Image : The new cat ,claws attachedWhere stories live. Discover now