The bell rung for lunch. Toni came and grabbed me. "Whoa!" Wassup. "So whats up with yhu and Jayla". she said lookin at my jordans. "I dont like her, She dont like me. Its simple." "Oh okay den." she said breakin apart from me. "Yeah." i said to meself. "AYE!" i turned around. Its was De'sire. "Wassgud." i said waiting for her to catch up. "Yhu Goin to lunch?" "Naw.! Imma watch everybody else eat while i starve.?!" "WELL I AINT KNO!" She screamed. "Hahaha.! Yea D" Can i call yhu dat?" "Yea girl.!" she said slapin my arm. I nodded. I walked into the lunch room to see people screaming in a circle. The cicrle broke and i seen Jayla on the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK?" I said. People turned and looked at me buhh I aint care. I ran over there gettin the girl off of her. "Get THE FUCK OFF ME!" The girl scream swing her arms. I dipped it shidd cause if i didnt she would have got jumped.! "AYE CHILL LIL GIRL!" I screamed. "Im not boutta let her "TRY" And beat Lil Mama up.!" I turned around to help Jayla up. She looked confused. Then With that she walked out. I watched her walk out. I turned around to see some nigga runnin towards me. He swung and missed and i tripped him. "Gett Off My Girl YHU DIKE!" He said holdin his face. When he called me a dike i got heated. "WHAT!" I said goin to swing but some one stopped me. "It aint Worth it." some dude said. And with i kicked him in his stomach. "IMMA STEM THANK YHU!" I yelled in his face. I walked out with that guy walkin behind me lookin for Jayla. "Yhu Know Jayla?" he asked. "Not really." i said to him. What about yhu?" i ask. "Yea. Shes my ex." he said lookin down. I stopped walkin. "And Yhu Didnt Help Her?" with a little anger. "Uhh...I mean - "Whatever Man any way my name is Jaz." Mike. he said. We Turned the coner and i saw girls in the restroom. "I think she in there crying?" he said. "Yeah." i said. I Walked Into The Bathroom To See Jayla Toni And D. "Aye yhu ok?" i asked. She turned around running towards me. "IM SO SORRY JAZMINE!" She said crying my ear. I Didn't mind. I hugged her back. "Naw yhu good." "Why was yall fightin anyway?" i ask still hugging Jayla. She finally pulled away. "Because she knows that i.... She stop talkin. "She knows what Jayla?" i ask. "SHE KNOWS I CANT FIGHT!" She yells. "SHH!" Okay, okay calm down that dont mean yhu cant learn.?" The bell rung we stayed in the bathroom for a few more minutes. "Well I Wanted To Tell Yhu Thank Yhu For Helping Me." she said with her head down. "No Problem.!" I still dont like doe!" i said teasing. She punched me in my arm. "Whatever.!"