Bummed out

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           "Isn't 'heartbroken' basically just the same as being 'bummed out'?"
Shisui shrugged, looking at Itachi with a thoughtful frown and a hand on his chin as he pondered life's questions, Itachi responded by looking at him in mock disgust and disappointment,
"Shisui you ignorant slut, no it's not the same. 'Heartbroken' suggests that one's heart is hurting from the impact of an insult, event, or emotional journey. 'Bummed out' is a way of saying you unintentionally mooned someone because you didn't tighten your belt enough." Itachi finished with a small smirk as he finished his cup of green tea and shut his large book, abandoning it on the table. And walked past Shisui in the narrow galley kitchen.
Shisui huffed in frustration crossing his arms, leaning on the dark brown wooden countertops behind him, pursing his slender lips in an overdramatic pout. Itachi gently washed out his favorite large blue mug in the stainless steel sink, the sink was his favorite of all the stainless steel matching appliances in their shared kitchen apartment. The white cabinets and black walnut floor were incredibly controversial, much like Itachi and Shisui's relationship. The Uchiha didn't believe in any romantic relationship that couldn't produce offspring, so gay couples were strictly prohibited. Which of course just made it hotter in Shisui's opinion, but that was something Itachi would never admit agreeing to.
They were stuck in a pass, Itachi and Shisui both wanted a relationship. Shisui was willing to hide it, and be secretive with their feelings, but Itachi wasn't. He didn't want to risk his job and reputation, as well as his heart. So, Shisui would consistently try to get Itachi to go out with him, and Itachi would consistently turn his older cousin down without hesitation.
"What do you want to do tonight Shisui?" Itachi mumbles around a mouthful of overly ripe peach, hoping for a good movie recommendation from the older Uchiha as juice dribbles down his chin as he leans over the sink. Shisui sighs and walks over to the long haired man and pulls his silky onyx bangs out of his face while Itachi continues to sink his teeth into the peach.
"I think you already know what I want to do tonight Itachi,"
Shisui murmurs, trying to resist the urge to bury his face into Itachi's long raven hair cascading from his scalp into Shisui's eagerly waiting hands. Shisui's has impatient fingers slid the hair tie out of Itachi's hair, despite his protesting noise around his latest bite of fruit. His long, slender fingers twining in the younger shinobi's hair pulling and combing it gently. Shisui rubbed his fingertips against his little Cousin's scalp, and grinned in response to the moan he was gifted with. He begin to work on massaging and caressing Itachi's hair and scalp, determined to draw out more of those sinfully wanton sounds from pale lips.

Shisui's POV:
"Kiss me," Itachi mumbles, licking and biting his lips, turning to face me. Grabbing my hands from his hair and dragging them to his hips. I grip them firmly, and without hesitation, slowly rolling my hips against his. Brushing my lips across his jaw, while his hands pull at my curls eliciting an excited groan from my lips.
"Ah-h... Shisui... Pl-please!" He gasps, tugging and scraping his nails against my scalp, his desperation conveyed through the way he urgently bucks his hips against my hands. Yearning for something more, something to fill that hole that's taking up the better part of a measly thing we call a heart. So I give it to him, I strip him eagerly of his shirt, and myself of my own. And happily press my bare chest against his, our smooth almost matching pale skin sliding against each others as he eagerly presses his lips to every inch of bare skin within his reach. Mercilessly ripping sounds of pleasure from my throat, as his teeth and tongue leave their mark on my skin. This dark haired beauty tugs at my wrists pulling me towards the open door of his bedroom, I don't think twice about stepping inside. And when I do, I wrap my arms around his waist and press him down onto the dark bedspread. I pull away from the bruising kiss I bestowed upon him to see the most beautiful sight in the world. Itachi lays below me, his skin flushed a pale pink, clashing with his usual alabaster. His lips parted and slightly swollen, his hair a shimmering black curtain splayed across the bed. Oh my gods, this man will be the death of me. Itachi. Itachi. Itachi. All I need to breathe, to live, to keep on going.

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