chapter 2

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"i'm not in love... no no."


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After lunch Nevaya had physics with the very same girl who had danced in front of her earlier that day. Maddy Perez. Jules had explained that she was dating 'Nate fucking Jacobs' -her words, and that if Nevaya knew what was good for her she would stay away.

Something about how Nate had a habit of ruining people's lives and would probably kill her if she even looked in Maddy's direction.

So of course, in 'Nevaya' fashion, she walked straight up to the girl and sat down next to her. Maddy glanced up at her, chewing her gum obnoxiously, "that seat is taken."

Nevaya raised her eyebrows, she really wanted to play hardball? Well, two could play at that game, "yeah? And what the fuck are you gonna do about it? Make me move?" In retrospect, it came out a lot harsher than she'd meant it to.

Maddy stared at her, a look of distaste flashing on her face, "Jesus, I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just telling you that can't fucking sit there, we have assigned seats," she pointed a manicured nail toward the front of the class where Nevaya could make out a paper with seating chart printed on the front.

She tried to mask her embarrassment as she forced herself up out of her seat to look at the chart. Each step felt like it took all her effort and she could almost feel Maddy's stare as she made her way to the front of the classroom. Of course, her seat was conveniently placed on the opposite side of the room from Maddy. Fan-fucking-tastic. She let out a sigh and sat down heavily in her seat.

"That was hella embarrassing," a girl behind her whispered to her as she took her seat, she glanced behind her to see the same girl vaping in class. How was that even allowed? Didn't the teachers care?

She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the lesson, or at least tried to. She found that every few minutes her eyes would unknowingly shift towards Maddy who was clearly zoned out. She liked to watch the way the girl blew a bubble with her gum every few minutes and that she would constantly check her phone to see if any new messages had come. Which usually they had, Maddy was clearly very popular, Nevaya noticed that she always waited a few minutes before replying, a classic popular girl move. Nevaya would know, she used to do it back in Arizona, when she had been the popular girl. It was a weird feeling being on the other side of things.

Nevaya noticed that there was one person she would reply immediately to though. She assumed it was Nate, Maddy's infamous boyfriend. She'd never even met the guy and she already didn't like him. By the way Jules had talked about him her dislike was well deserved.

The bell rang after what felt like an eternity, Nevaya made it out of the classroom before pretty much everyone else since her seat had been placed close to the door. She hung back waiting for Maddy, she was determined to actually talk to the girl, and when Nevaya set her mind to something, she usually didn't stop until she got it. She watched as Maddy stepped out of the classroom and fell in line next to her.

"So what, you're like stalking me now?" Maddy said giving her a look, she glanced at her phone before turning it off and stopping at her locker, she opened it and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder.

"No," Nevaya rolled her eyes, "I'm Nevaya, though, most people call me Nev." She decided against holding out her hand to shake, Maddy didn't seem like someone who would be into shaking hands.

Maddy squinted at her, "cool? I'm Maddy,"
she started to walk away but Nevaya caught up with her.

"You're on the cheer squad right?" she asked and Maddy glanced at her and nodded.

"Yeah obviously, you saw me in the lunchroom, I remember you," they turned a corner and Nevaya realized she should probably go to her class if she wanted to make it in time. Whatever.

"So you do remember me," Nevaya hummed out, Maddy just rolled her eyes.

"Of course bitch, I don't have fucking dementia." they turned another corner, and another girl walked up to them.

She was slightly bigger, some people would call her fat probably but Nevaya preferred the term curvy. One of her best friends back in Arizona had been bigger so she knew second hand what the bullying was like.

The girl who walked up to them had short dark hair and very intense makeup. She was almost dressed like one of those cam girls that she had seen around at her old school, but Nevaya had to admit, she pretty much radiated confidence.

"Hey bitches," the girl said, her voice was scratchy, almost like she was losing it, she smiled at Nevaya, "I don't think we've met? I'm Kat."

"This is Nev," Maddy said before Nevaya could introduce herself, "she's become my stalker for the day."

Nevaya made a sound of protest but Kat just laughed, "I don't blame you, I mean look at you Mads, you're gorgeous." Nevaya raised her eyebrows, she wasn't wrong.

"Yeah whatever," Maddy said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "now I'm gonna be late for cheer, so stalker, do you know where you're going or do you need my help?"

Nevaya raised her eyebrows, "I liked it better when you called me señorita," Maddy laughed, and Nevaya realized this was the first time she'd actually seen her laugh. "And actually I was going to ask if I could do a late tryout for the cheer squad, I was the captain at my old school." Nevaya didn't care that she was bragging, she kind of wanted Maddy to know.

"Yeah? Well, you're gonna have to earn that title back, bitch," she shrugged and turned away. "And come with me to cheer, we'll see how good you really are."

"You'll give me a chance though?" Nevaya called after her, she could hear the double meaning in her words. Maddy turned her head toward her, still walking away but she slowed her pace.

"Come on," she smirked, "and I guess you'll have to see," she turned away with a flip of her hair and Nevaya shook her head and bit back a smile before running after her.

so that was the second chapter!! im really loving nev hehe i hope you guys are too!! tell me what you think please!! comments and votes literally make my day. love you all

 love you all ♡

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