See You Soon!

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In a graveyard, while it was raining heavily, several people were suffering, under umbrellas while Simon stood in the rain, drenched in water, looking at a grave. Suddenly he heard the cry of a baby. Simon opened his eyes, while he was breathing heavily, he sat and found himself in his room said "It was a dream, huh!, well, I better get ready since I'll be paying Jaz a visit today with the team ".

Andrew was standing in a grocery store, while he was looking at some goods he heard someone calling his name.He looked back and saw it was Simon with a girl who was holding a child. Simon walked up to him and said "Hey! To think I had to run into you here, of all the places " Simon smiled and said" Andrew meet Dawn my wife and the little guy here is Paul, my son" Andrew said "Hello, It is a pleasure to meet you, " Dawn replied "It is a pleasure for me as well to meet you, Simon talks all about you, " Andrew looked at Simon and said "I wonder what he says about me " Dawn replied " He admires you a lot, Thank you for being his friend " Andrew smiled and said" Can I hold Paul?" Dawn said sure and she gave Paul to Andrew to hold. Andrew started to play with Paul, Simon smiled and said" I am amazed how quickly he is smiling and playing with you, how unusual it is! " Andrew smiled. Simon replied "Seems like he likes you, he doesn't like many people so make sure you don't make him mad " Andre smiled and replied "That is how kids are" He then glared at Simon and said "Who were you talking to exactly!?" Dawn smiled and asked Andrew "Don't you have kids?". Simon replied "Kids! He doesn't even have a girlfriend". Dawn looked at Simon and said "You guys have a chat, while I go and buy groceries " Andrew handed Paul over to Dawn and she walked away.

Simon then said to Andrew "Well, you should ask Sara out! She likes you, " Andrew replied "No, I don't think so" Simon asked "Why?" Andrew replied "She just has a crush that's it! It will fade away soon. Beside, I don't think will be able to keep her happy, I'm human after all! " Simon replied "You knew? ; Oh, I just remembered you knew psychology as well. SO that is what you used to get information out of those thugs? " Andrew replied " Yes". Simon replied "Tell me how exactly you did it?". Andrew replied " Humans think they are superior then other humans. I Just asked them for information will slightly wrong questions, they simply made fun of me by correct the answers and giving the information I needed while they did it without realizing it; you need to tell me something? You look off today" Simon replied "You and your psychology! Well, yes, I wanted to tell you that Dawn has blood cancer, last stage! "

In a cabin of a huge building, a person was sitting on a chair with chess placed in front of him on a table. Someone knocked the door of his cabin and he said" Come in". A girl opened the door. She entered the room, put the fax mask on and said "Mr. David, can I see King?" He person replied "sure Shophia". He took a broken mask out of his pocket, put it on his face and said " Yes, my Queen?" Queen replied "After you left, I took care of them. He is more likely to quit now, so I sent him the email, as you said" King moved a piece from the chess board and said "He will be my knight for sure now!"

"Huh, Where am I? " Said Jaz, while she saw blurry objects after she was able to half open her eyes. She heard a voice, " Finally! You are up, lazy girl! ". She turned her face and saw it was Tony and the rest of the team. Sara said "Thank goodness, you are awake". Simon said "How are you feeling? ". Jaz replied "I am fine, I guess". Andrew said "We were lucky we had Sara, or else you would've lost a lot of blood". Simon said "To think Andrew made her a part of the team thanks to her looks. Who knew she was a good medic". Andrew glared at Simon while Sara's face turned red. Jaz said "Well, How am I still alive? " Andrew replied "You happened to have your heart on the right side, that is all. And sorry for what happened! I am to be blamed for it. So I have decided to resign ". Jaz said "No! That is not true, that person got away because of me and I got shot because I was careless! " While her eyes were filled with tears. Andrew left the room while he said "I can't help it! Sorry, but I'm human after all. See you soon. Take care".

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