Chapter 1 - Prologue

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'So many people lost. So many that have gone into past, died, even if they were not ready. Or were they? Every-one dies for a reason. Me'

A Victims Point of View:

I get a feel of something cold in my heart. My eyes whirl around in my sockets as I shiver in my blanket, wrapped warm in my bed.

'I'm here' it finally whispers. I my heart trembles.

'All alone' it says seductively. I scream furiously as it finishes its last words.

'Don't be scared. I told you that you were going to die at this exact point of time, I told you when you were a baby, whispered it in your ear then subdued you of talking so you couldn't' tell anybody. I freed you when you had forgotten. Now you're ready to die, and I'm ready to kill you.'

Narrator P.O.V.

Her screams ring through the empty hallways of her apartment as she is horriblyripped to shreds by the creature. It gouges her eyes out and sucks on the pupils with deluxe pleasure and torment. It grins with complete satisfaction and amusement and laughs echoingly as it dissolves away leaving her mutilated body sole less and cloaked in blood behind.

60 years later:

The year 4000 the pregnant lady reads on the front page of the sun.

'It's time Mrs. Albret, you've dilated 10 centimetres.' The nurse exclaims on the 29th floor of the hospital as she puts on her gloves and smiles exotically to the distressed about-to-be mother.

As another baby pops out into the world of deficiency all red and covered in blood, the creature appears and hisses poison in the yet unnamed baby's ears.

'4019; December 25th, Sunday 5:05 o'clock. That's your time.' The creature silences the baby to speak these words and repeating what he's said. Soon the baby will have forgotten and it will be freed and will be able to learn how to speak, but not of this.

'It's a girl Mrs. Albret. What will you name her?' the nurse asks politely.

'Emma. Emma Albret' the mother utters in her floods of tears, but happy tears, and smiles at her first born baby.

As Emma, the newly named baby ventures on in her life at her infancy she finds other interests in the world like all the different colours, the noises that splatter out of people's mouths and slowly she forgets the creature's words.

1year later and she has no-knowledge or memory of the creature or his deathly hollowing words and is free from the curse that had been cast upon her and starts to learn the words of the gibber jabber of human speech.

As more time passes, she ages into a beautiful girl who has radiant light brown hair the colour of chocolate, angelic turquoise eyes lit by the heavens, and to patch it up perfectly, she has stunning a personality to go with it. When you're around her you feel so much better about yourself. Shes one of these people that you'll never get bored of she's funny, kind and confident. But forever more she is bond to death.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2010 ⏰

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