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I quickly grabbed a notepad and scribbled numbers down. I came into work around 3 pm, and it was currently 4. I wore a white blouse, black skater skirt, and white pumps. My hair was in a high ponytail whilst I had my prescribed nerd glasses on. A small sigh escaped my red stained lips; this was very tiresome. I finished those trade files 30 minutes after I came in, and Richard wanted me to calculate something about new tech gear. I bit my lip and scratched out a number. ' If I see another 9 I swear...' I thought dreadfully.
It was a big price on how much the computer chips were going to cost. Seriously, that much for a chip that would be the size of my thumbnail? My eyes scanned the laptops framed screen. I finished. A smile painted my face. I stood up from my swivel chair and collected the notepad that I did my final calculations on.
The walk to Richards office was short. With three knocks on his door, I was inside giving him what he wanted. " This is it?" He asked. I nodded," Yeah, that's it, alright," I said. His eyes scanned the yellow note sheet. " Just this much? I thought it'll be higher then this," he mumbled. I cocked my head to the side," That's it? Those numbers are so... big," I trailed off. His eyes caught mine and I turned away with a blush. " S-Sorry," I muttered. Richard chuckled and flipped the notebook close. " It's fine. Well, that's two more cases I've- we've finished. Good job," he congratulated. I smiled and turned on my heels," Thank you, Richard," I said over my shoulder.
He huffed," It's Dick," he blurted out. I halted and twisted my body towards him and pierced my lips," What?" " Call me Dick. I understand we're supposed to be professionals," he spoke. I fluttered my eyes toward him and smiled," O-Oh. Okay," I said. I turned around, my hand tracing over the cold metal. " Goodbye Dick," I whispered.

Dick's POV

Her voice was like silk to my ears. She was gone within seconds but I could still feel her presence with me. Crazy, huh? I didn't have feelings for her, but she was kinda cute. Extremely fit, luscious, long hair, and beautiful skin. But that's all I thought of; no feelings, no romance. I leaned back in my black leather swivel chair and ran a hand through my hair.
I played with the edges of the small notebook before putting it on the side of my laptop. My eyes started to drift close- I had forgotten how much work that I had to do here. Bruce chewed my ass out at the Cave yesterday for snapping at Kitanna like that. He told me that if I didn't catch up on work, Nightwing would be ' injured' during a shift. Couldn't take any chances. I picked my pen up and twirled it around. My eyes drifted close, and I did an intake of air.
It wouldn't hurt to take a small nap. Kitanna was mostly done with the work us two had shared for the day. She was very helpful. I snapped my eyes open and threw the pen in the air, catching it with ease. I shouldn't be making her do all of the work. For the past few days she's been busting her ass so that I wouldn't get in anymore trouble. I placed the ink pen next to my laptop and stood up. It wouldn't be all to bad to help her.
I headed toward her office. I smiled falsely at everyone who caught my eye. Don't get me wrong, everyone is this office has been loyal to me in some type of way, but they also like to turn around and gossip, judging every move that I make.
And I also wasn't surprised to find Kitanna's desk filled to the brink with papers. Her office door was open, and she had a pair of glasses on boring her eyes into the computer screen. I smiled and leaned on the door frame. " You seem busy," I spoke. She yelped and knocked over a tiny stack of papers. " Shit- I mean fuck- crap!" She yelled. As quickly as she knocked them over, she had them stack in her hands neatly. Her reaction earned a small laugh from me. " Uh, yeah, I am," She coughed. I shook my head and she took a small breath. " How much work you predict that you'll have until you clock out?" I asked. The sun had reflected on her glasses as she type around on the laptop. Her smile was bent into a frown and her hands fidgeted a little. " Well, I- uh, I have those files you wanted me to scan, and there's about ten of those, I'm typing a report also, and I'm running errands for Bruce around 7," She informed.
I looked up toward the ceiling. Kitanna's sky blue eyes awkwardly traced my figure. " Go run Bruce's errands," I said. " Huh?" " Give me those files. I'll scan them myself, and I'll get that report typed up. Go," I ordered. Her red stained lips curled into a smile," T-Thank you. R-Dick, I'll go do that now," Kitanna said.
I watched her get up and leave, her hips swaying uncontrollably. I bit my lip and grabbed the papers off of her desk. Yeah, it felt good lifting all this weight that was on her shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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