Chapter 20

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Girl(s) in love:


Despite the previous incident, Armys still cheered for us. Some even defended me, which I was surprised to. In the distant we heard some people yelling ‘Diamonds’, which was our mini fan base. 

My frown was lifted and a smile took its place. The cheering soon dissipated, then came the adrenaline rush. “Please welcome on stage The 7 Muses!” yelled Hobi. We stood there on stage frozen. Where did the hell get that from?!

I looked over at the girls they too were just as shocked as me. “They are a group of 7 that do covers of well known songs that have been uploaded.” Explained Jin.. 

“Personally we are fans of them. They even have covered the majority of our songs from dancing to singing and rapping, also they have done their own version of some of our music videos. It's quite impressive.” spoke Yoongi. 

“There fanbase is called the ‘Diamonds’?” Yoongi asked curiously earning a ‘yes’ chorusing around the stadium. I felt butterflies.

“Well we wanted to introduce a new concept to our performances. We want them to dance with us, so let's see if they can keep up.” Spoke Namjoon, while they all were smirking, doubting our experience. 

A mic was handed to me, “Can you keep up?!” I smirked. “How about Girls vs Boys?” I proposed and the crowd went wild. I felt someone staring into my soul. I looked at Yoongi. We held eye contact for a while as we started walking towards each other, when he spoke 

“Is that a challenge?” he smirked. There was less than a meter space between us. 

“Maybe.” I shrugged my shoulders smirking with the same intensity. 

“Well then, challenge accepted!” BTS spoke at once.

The first song to play was ‘Boy In Luv’. We took positions as our biases but we stood next to them, not at a distance. The crowd was cheering, the stadium had now split half were yelling ‘girls’ the other half yelled ‘boys’. 

It was intense to say the least but the first round the boys had won. The next song to play was ‘Danger’. Getting back into our places next to our bias, we began the dance. Let's just say some of the Boys forgot the choreo because they were busy focusing on us. 

Sweat trailed down our bodies, our breathing had laboured. (Ami and Lia: NASTY PEOPLE!!) (Ami: Lia, seriously *smacks forehead*) (Lia: I’m just giving the readers what they want, you meany *pouts*). 

We still kept going on. Not once did we falter our steps and with that we won the second round. The final song, the tie breaker, and easy going song, not too hard, ‘Mic Drop’.

Luckily we were wearing super comfy clothes because we gave our all in this round. The boys were tired. You could tell that as they slowed down, but we kept our pace. Right now our bodies burning like fire. The boys were smiling wide in our direction as half way through the song they stopped dancing, letting us continue. 

At the end we all collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. Claps and cheering resounded the venue, it was clear that we won *laughs cheekily*. (Lia: Hey that’s my job *pouts*/ Ami: Would you stop interrupting the story, geez *rolls eyes*/ Lia: why is everyone so mean to me *tears rolling down face*/ Ami: dear lord, what am I supposed to do with this girl *smacks forehead*/ Lia: *throws the closest object (one thicc ass book) at Ami and hides*/ Ami: HEY! Why you little *censored, censored, censored*). 

The boys helped us off the ground.They led us back stage towards the fan meet & greet. “Are you staying for the fan meet?” asked Tae with hopeful eyes. 

“Of course we are!” exclaimed Metis. 

In the corner of my eye, I saw them jump up and down in excitement. I felt someone pull on my sleeve, it was Halina. I looped our arms and walked towards the rest of the fans. As soon as we arrived, they saw they cheered yelling ‘DIAMONDS!’. We giggled and joined the crowd. 

Some fans were nice enough to shake our hands and hug us, letting us into the front of the crowd but we kindly rejected. (A: Damn. How humble are we *does a mini happy dance*). 

My stomach rumbled. I looked at Halina who looked back at me, she must have felt the vibrations because she was laughing tears running down her face, I blushed in embarrassment, giving her a slight shove and soon pulling her back to me.

“Man, I’m really hungry.” I was desperate. Very. Desperate. 

Out of nowhere one of BTS’s management team members came up to me handing me a box of chips from McDonalds. I snatched the chips out of their hands eagerly also made sure to reply with a thank you. They chuckled at my behaviour and patted my head. I repeat, patted, my head. That's a no go sweetheart. 

“How do they stay fit? They clearly binge eat like us!” spoke a fan in amusement. 

I chuckled upon hearing those words and decided to reply, “We have exceptionally fast metabolisms, which helps us a lot and it also probably because we are really active.” They looked at me shocked, ‘she heard us, omg, she’s my favourite member. I'm freaking out right now.’ whispered one of the fans to their friend. 

“Hi, I’m Eris nice to meet you. Oh BTW I’m honoured to be your favourite.” I chuckled giving them a wink.

“OH. MY. GOD. NO. FREAKING. WAY! I love your fashion, it’s amazing. And I love when you rap it so unique, quite like Yoongi’s. Halina we love your cinematic creativity.” The girls in front of us were having a breakdown. My girls were just laughing at the situation and my shocked face. 

The line slowly grew shorter, every step closer we got the boys the lighter the atmosphere felt. I felt being stared at. I looked for the source of the intensity and my eyes landed on Yoongi. He was talking to a fan while his eyes stayed focused on me, causing me to blush. I saw him smile wider than he already was.

Halina elbowed my ribs, she was smirking at me. For a person who can't see, she is exceptionally good at recognising one's emotions by their body language and their body’s radiation. I stuck my tongue out at her, knowing that she wouldn't react, boy was I wrong, she fricking punched my stomach. I felt a fiery sense where she had punched me. Man, now I feel like crap. From the corner of my eye I saw Yoongi still watching me, and I could also see that he was trying hard not to burst out laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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