Chapter 22| A pretty normal morning

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A/N-Tap the picture

3rd person POV-

Kurogiri was making eggs and toast for breakfast. Dabi walked into the kitchen.

Dabi POV-

I walked in the kitchen.
"Morning." I said to Kirogiri, as I walked over to him.
"Morning." He responded, as he put bread in the toaster."So I owe you an explanation of what happened last night."I stated
"Go on I'm listening." Kurogiri insisted.
"Tomura had a nightmare." I said, Kirogiri just nodded.
*with all for one imprisoned the villains aren't much of a threat anymore* the tv said, right after Tomura walked in. Tomura just rolled his eyes and sat on the couch in the living room.
*the only real threat now is Shigaraki Tomura since he's the leader of the league of villains* the tv stated, I saw Tomura smirk to himself after the tv said that.
"Ok breakfast is ready." Kurogiri announced, everyone came running into the kitchen. Except for Tomura, which didn't really shock me.
{Time Skip}

We all finished eating, Tomura refused to eat like always.
"Everyone get your shoes we're going somewhere." Kurogiri announced, everyone scrambled to get there shoes. Eventually everyone had there shoes on.
"I'm driving." I announced, grabbing the car key.
"I call shotgun!" Tomura yelled.
Everyone got in the van, Tomura was sitting next to me.
"That's no fair." Twice pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I called shotgun first." Tomura stated,
"But I want to sit next to Dabi." Twice said, he was acting like a toddler.
"We all do." Mustard stated,
"Aw I feel so loved." I said, everyone looked at me blankly.
"I just don't want to sit next to Nomu." Twice said,
"Same" Mustard stated,
"Oh," I said simply, starting the car.
"Woah Dabi calm down, your yelling for no reason." Tomura stated,
"What do you mean those people are jaywalking." I yelled, pointing at the people.
"That's a cross walk!" Tomura yelled back,
"Whatever!" I yelled at him.
"Dabi stop, you're gonna run over a kid!" Tomura yelled,I looked at him blankly.
"Does it look like I give a fuck." I responded.

•••••••_Author's Note_•••••••
{364 words}
YeEt bitch.

I don't know how to love someone I'm sorry- A Shigadabi Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now