Chapter 1- Beginning of the journey

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Chapter 1- Begging the journey

            As I walk through the dark, gloomy, forest I hear a whisper through my mind link "9983 forest rain dr. 9983 forest rain dr. ... 9983 forest...." The voice keeps repeating this address. As I walk away, the volume of the address gets lower and lower until the only thing I hear is the crickets chirp of the night. I keep repeating the address in my head as I walk. 9983 forest rain dr...

It is late in the night when I reach a small gas station. I should rest then continue on my way to find where the address leads to. Then it hits me; I don't have any money or clothes! How in the hell am I supposed to shift? I hide in some bushes as I stake out a young woman sitting on a bench with bags of clothes by her feet. I'm small enough to pass as a normal wolf so I decide this is what I will have to do. I have to steal them.

3...2...1...Before she can even react, I grab the bags from under her.

"Help! Help! That...that DOG stole my bags!" she shrieks as I wince at the word dog. She keeps screaming and then stops, realizing no one is going to help her. I feel a little bad, but I had to do it. I run for another mile into the forest then stop to look in the bags I stole. This better be good... In the first bag there are a few white under shirts and panties. In the second are two big sweaters and a hoodie. Finally in the third are 3 pair of black yoga pants and a pair of blue jeans, I shake my head and frown, I sure hope these fit.

            I shift back to my human form and put on the big under shirt. Great...they are too big. Well, rather too big than small right? I choose to wear the plain blue hoodie over the yellow, I don't want to stand out. Then I slip on the panties and yoga pants. Surprisingly the pants fit fine. Weird, you would think... I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a low growl. I don't even stop to think for a second and I run. I run as fast as my legs will carry me. In fear of ripping my newly stolen clothes, I refrain from shifting.

            I run until I see the flash of the motel sign. Damn, I still don't have any money. I am not going to sleep out in the dark though, I will have to try to charm my way a free night. I fix my brown wavy hair so it hangs in front of my shoulders and I wipe some of the mud off of my face. I feel confident on how I look so i slowly open the door of the motel.

            At the reception desk I see an older lady, probably in her 70's. She stands short and has big circular glasses on. She turns her head up and warmly smiles at me with her bright red lips. Way too much lipstick I think...  I don't pick up a scent from her so far, so I take it she is just a human.

"Hi! Welcome to my Motel, young lady! What brings you to this dark street in the middle of frikin' nowhere?!" Her voice is cheerful and high. I take it she doesn't get many customers...

"Um..." Get it together Ava! Charm it up. "Well, I'm on my way to... to my um, grandmother's house! Yeah, to visit!" I lie. I sure hope she can't sense my nervousness, and just go with it.

"Aww, now aren't you the sweetest thing? So you just need a room for one?" She walks over to me and stands a foot shorter than me, so I look down at her.

"Uhm, actually I was wondering how...much it cost?" I sound so suspicious, I can feel it. My eyes never stay on hers for long as I nervously look around the room.

"Usually I cost about thirty-five dollars a night...but you could stay one night for free if you would like. It's on me! I usually don't get customers so you just staying here is a treat enough! By the way my name is Minny!" Minny looks up at me with such hope in her old brown eyes. My jaw almost drops when she says I can stay for free. What are the odds? I swear my angels are watching me tonight or something...

"My name is Ava and how could I say no to that offer?" Chuckling I grab the shopping bags I have, and follow her through an open corridor reading the numbers on the door 1...2...3...4...5...6...7. She opens the door to room number 7. Lucky number 7, I suppose.

"This is our best room! I hope you like it, just call me if you need anything ya'hear?" She hands me the keys from her small fragile hands. I look into the room; it's a creamy white color with a queen size bed in the middle. A strong stench of cigarette smoke lingers in the air, causing me to cough. There is one small side table with a coffee machine. The bathroom is just a shower and toilet, with a small mirror on the wall. If this is the best room, I wonder what the worst is. I ignore the crappy small room and fall on the bed. Ow! The bed is really hard and uncomfortable. It's better than a bench in the dark I guess. 

I don't bother showering or watching the tiny tv. I turn off all the lights and lay in the hard bed.  Slowly drifting off.

~~~Annie's P.O.V. (Ava's Mother)~~~~

I watched as my daughter walks away from me. I sob and sob and sob. My only child was leaving. I know I messed up though...making her a runt, I know it was somehow my fault she was born that way, now I must pay the consequences. I shift into my wolf and join my husband. He shows no sign of sadness, but I know he is dying inside. The past few weeks ignoring our daughter were the worst time of our lives; but nothing compared to the pain of right now. Alpha Mark looked us both in eyes for a second before we both bow obediently. Sorry for your loss. It's for the sake of the pack. And with that he ran off.

            I knew I couldn't just let her go without pointing her in some direction. We still had a small mind link signal. So I did what I decided was best. I gave her the address of my sister, who was thrown out of the pack as-well. 9983 Forest rain dr...I keep repeating it until I had no more contact with her. My beautiful runt.

(Ava's P.O.V)

            I wake up and roll around on the bed. I moan as the pain in my back hits me. I'm the worst morning person ever. But I must get to the address... 9983 Forest rain dr. I'm going to just ask Minny if she knows where that is. I sure hope she does, because I have no f***ing clue.

            Yawning I grab some coffee from the main desk. Looking around I don't see Minny anywhere. Damn it, where is she! I need to get going.

"Hey you!" I hear a yell from behind me causing me to jump, spilling a little coffee on my bare foot.

"Ow! Oh my...ow!" I cry in pain. I spin around to see Minny, her face in horror.

"I'm so sorry! So so sorry!" She grabs napkins and puts them on my foot. I wince as the burn cools.

"Don't worry about it...I...I...just need directions. Please." I whisper, trying not to show the pain I was in.

"Sure! Where to?" She answers in her normal cheerful voice.

"Uhm, 9983 Forest rain dr." I mumble. Looking around the small room.

"I know that street! It's very popular with the locals!" She laughed. Something was up, but I didn't know what. "It's just four miles down, and when you reach the town, street signs should just point you in the way!" She used her hands to show what to do, but I wasn't paying attention. I just needed to get out of here...



Chapter one is done! I wonder what's going to happen when she shows up at her aunts' home she never met surprisingly. Will her aunt take her under her wing? Who knows? ;) 

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