The Morning begins.

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This story will eventually be a Ben Cook/OFC story. In this fanfiction the story is told in first person but with the usual workings of a second person imagine. In this story you are a content creator but you are also a sound and camera operator for many of your favourite youtubers. The story of how you met the first three characters (Tom Burns [SitC creator] Jamiesface and Ben Cook) is that you were a volunteer at SitC itself. 


My phone went off startling me awake. I groaned, rubbing my hands over my eyes, I glanced at my phone, the screen showing 2:30 in bright lights, I groaned again and rolled over. I didn’t want to wake up. Not now, not ever. I could hear the kettle be switched on downstairs followed by someone swearing loudly after a crash, they probably tripped over a suitcase. With one last groan I sat up, rubbing my eyes and grabbing my glasses of the side table. Shrugging on a maroon hoodie, I trudged downstairs, pleased to find that Ben, Jamie and Tom were awake already,

                  “Morning guys” I said tiredly as I sat down on the sofa next to Ben, resting my head on his shoulder. The boys had stayed round mine the night before due to me living only 15 minutes away from the airport that we were flying from this morning: Heathrow.

                  “Is the taxi booked?” I asked Tom as he handed me a cup of tea with a grin, he shook his head, “Not yet, we were thinking you could drive”

I glanced at the clock on the wall, the time now reading 2:45, we definitely did not have enough time to book a taxi. I shrugged, taking a sip of my tea,

                  “Sure why not” I told him.

The way I met the boys was (in my mind) the most unique way I had ever met someone. The year previous I had been a volunteer at ‘Summer in the City’, a YouTube gathering that was organised by Tom Burns himself. I offered to help set up the Friday before the event and worked 13+ hours that weekend, sorting out screaming fangirls and selling merchandise for the YouTubers.  I met Jamie and Ben there and we talked after soon forming a friendship. I glanced over at the suitcases by the door, five of them, 4 containing clothes and other essentials for us and the last containing my camera, I was set to record every moment in Florida for I had never been to America before. I motioned over to the bags, poking Ben in the chest.  

                  “Yo Ben. Go put the bags in the hippie van”

He groaned and shoved me off his shoulder, I retaliated by hitting him lightly on the shoulder.

                  “Do it” I told him, “You’re the strongest and the oldest and I still have to get ready.”

He groaned, downed his tea and got to his feet, “Where are the keys?”

                  “On the hook!” I yelled to him as I raced up the stairs towards my bedroom. Taking off my pyjamas I replaced it with leggings, and a vest top followed by my oversized black and white checked hoodie. Walking into the bathroom that was opposite to my bedroom I brushed my teeth and ran a brush through my cropped lilac hair, pleased that Luke and Emma had dyed it a week before. Replacing my glasses on my face, I smiled to myself, I may have looked terrible but at least I’d be comfortable on the plane.

                  “Y/N hurry up we’re leaving!”

I chuckled to myself, “I’d like to see you try Jamie!” I yelled back, “I’m the only one insured on the hippie van!”

My car was my pride and joy, it was a VW Campervan that I had painted myself. I bought it originally hoping that my friend Y/B/F/N and I could go on a road trip but she went off to University whilst I went out into the world to work. Now it was just my regular vehicle. The outside was painted in various colours from where myself and Y/B/F/N had attacked it with paints and featured quotes from our favourite books and role models. The interior was my favourite and was mostly made by me. The seats were originally black leather, but I had custom made tie dye covers to go over them, the back of the van was carpeted and there were plug sockets meaning I could charge my electronics if I needed, although it had to be used sparingly as it was connected to the battery. In the back of the van there were themed cushions that I had hand-sewn, featuring campervan motifs and other famous quotes and curtains laced every window. Sure the car looked gaudy and ugly to most people, but it was my baby and I was proud of it.

The bags were in the boot and Tom and Ben sat in the passenger seats with Jamie sitting shotgun and myself in the driver’s seat. With the house locked up, I started the engine and started the short drive to the airport where our adventure to Playlist would begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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