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"Lucia!" Elijah called as wandered through the house, he hadn't seen her all day and he had news to share.

He could whip round the entire house in a matter of minutes but Sariyah had informed him that his super-speed 'creeped Lucia out' so he continued to walk at an incredibly restrained pace, making his way to the foyer at the front of the house. "Lucia!" He tried again, but still no reply. "I picked a dress, don't you want to check it isn't too dessert-y?"

As he approached the top of the stairs leading to the main doors, he could feel himself becoming irritated. He had put a lot of thought into his dress choice and actually cared whether or not she liked it, hiding away from him and pretending she couldn't hear him was simply childish and rude. It felt like with every step he took in the right direction with her, she pushed him two feet back, by the time they reached the aisle they might actually manage to like each other even less than they did when she arrived. Well, he hadn't disliked her when they met for the first time, he just hadn't felt anything... which was almost as bad as far as he was concerned. The woman who was meant to be his wife for the rest of his hopefully long life had looked at him with such venom that he couldn't even enjoy the moment, the only emotion he had felt in those moments was shock, maybe tinged with a little annoyance at her attitude...

His internal monologue was cut short as he stepped down the first stair and froze at the sight of what was at the bottom.

Lucia lay flat on her back, her arms and legs held out slightly as though she were half-way through a snow angel, her hair curled around her face and out along the ground like tendrils of a wild plant growing free and untamed, her eyes were closed and her lips slightly parted, if she weren't lying at the bottom of the stairs he might have thought she was taking a nap or maybe meditating, she looked completely at ease.

However, she was at the bottom of the stairs, and while Elijah had not met a great many humans in his time, the ones he had had been exceedingly clumsy. He raced to her side and thankfully she was breathing, although he was concerned to find when he lifted her wrist that her skin was chilled almost to that of the temperature of the marble floor, she had been there for a long time.

He pulled his phone out and hurriedly called the clan doctor, Dr Farris, who gave him instructions as he made his way to the Bonnet mansion from his clinic situated a few acres away among the general clan housing.

"Don't move her neck or spine, if she's fallen down the stairs those are going to be the two areas we need to be most concerned about, if you move her you could damage her further or tear something that was fine before." The man explained through the muffled line.

"Yes, sir." Elijah answered, hovering over Lucia uselessly.

"How far has she fallen from?"

"I don't know, but she's at the bottom of the stairs in the entrance."

"How high are those stairs? I need a maximum fall distance."

"You've been here before, don't you remember them?" Elijah snapped, he knew in the logical side of his brain that he had no right to be angry at Dr Farris, it wasn't his fault Lucia was injured, but the panicked side was screaming at him to hurry up and get here and just DO SOMETHING.

"With there not being any humans living in the Bonnet mansion for quite some time I haven't been needed as much, son, in fact my most recent clear memory of being in your home was your birth, so if you could give me an estimate on those stairs?"

"Right, apologies, around ten feet, I believe?" He looked over his shoulder at the imposing pile of steps to confirm his estimate. "I don't think more than fifteen..." He winced, "Definitely not more than twenty feet." he said uncertainly.

Close Your Eyes, Remember Me (TBF Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now