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I got inspiration from a song,,since it was cute pwp)

The morning rose into the sky making the blinds to their shared bedroom flicker in the small beams of sunlight reaching onto the wood floor stretching onto the bed of the two who still were asleep, or for not that long for the taller skeleton to wake up due to to light disturbing his sleep a soft groan coming from him as he stuffed his face further into the crook of his boyfriends neck, but unfortunately that only stirred the smaller awake blinking awake a tired kitten yawn coming from the smaller spoon , lightly turning to see his boyfriends face still stuffed to the back of his neck

Geno smiled softly moving slowly but carefully so he was facing his boyfriend who was now awake but his eyes were closed, groaning "noo" he whined as Geno chuckled "I haven't even said anything yet silly" he said softly as reaper pressed his face into his chest now "I don't want to get up come on love lay with me, just a little longer"

Geno sighed "we can lay here a while longer but we have to get up sometime babe" Geno reminded the taller who shook his head disapprovingly before looking to the smaller "okay but I just wanna lay here with the most beautiful creature in the world, just for a little bit, please?" Reaper grinned seeing his boyfriends reaction

Geno smiled rolling his eyes "fine, but only a little bit longer! You still have work. You know you're brother will be pissed if you don't go today, you already missed yesterday" Geno reminded as his boyfriend moved to nuzzling his face into the crook of his boyfriends neck "I love you so much, snowflake" he said softly pressing kisses against Geno's collarbone and neck making the smaller squirm and blush against his affection"reaper.." Geno whined softly to his boyfriends actions making the taller chuckle at his lovers soft reaction "sorry sunshine, you're just so perfect" he hummed looking to Geno who smiled "whatever" he said as reaper pressed a kiss against the smaller who kissed back into the soft but passionate kiss they shared only lasting a second but felt like eternity "I love you" Geno muttered as they pulled away making reaper grin giddy "I know snowflake"

"I know"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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