Leaking Across the Zuider Zee

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Can you not see?

A remarkable indifference

Enduring a stony silence.

Do you not tee?

With a broken unanchored divit

Shaking and wavering on a pie lance.

Are we not free?

To make errors and simp alone

Without care and thought of any other soul.

Shall we cross the Zuider Zee?

In a leaking fellering boat

Pushing a scavengered pole.

May we test the lee?

Improve the margins of not enervating

Against the windy folds that threaten.

Will you sting like a bee?

Float like a buttered sky

Cross a streaming that is Lenten.

Is it time for a royal de cree?

A declaration against the heaving ennui

To peer into a fresh end Skoal.

Inside the lanterned mind there are no more questions

Only the hooded forest

Looms to pass the digging mole.

Goody-bye, my love!

My structure is crash ended.

Sustaining is no longer an optionnaire.

Release, O dove!

It creeps out the timbox

And I dance away from your enfreshened air.

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