2. King Cross

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Carly was nervous this thing couldn't be denied, she never thought of the fact that she will be that nervous in the morning when she was supposed to start Hogwarts. The night before she barely got any sleep and now she was like a zombie on her feet.

—Dad, I'm nervous Carly said when she entered the kitchen

—No good morning Carly? I thought that I teach you better than that. her dad said with a big smile on his face

—Oh, right good morning! Now, dad, I'm nervous!

—That something normal Carly, I was nervous on my first day of school too

—What is I don't make any friends?

—I'm sure you are gonna make a lot of friends Carly, you are a very sweet person.

—I don't think that I will be surprised if no one will be my friend I mean why will someone want to be my friend? I'm just the weirdo girl.

—Carly, don't say that having some health problems doesn't make you weird.

—I know you are right about that father, but I just can't imagine my life with friends

Carly's father knee in front of her and now he was facing her.

—I was just like you Carly when I get to Hogwarts, I was afraid of the fact that I won't be able to make any friends.

—And who it turns out?

—I made three amazing friends.

—And how it comes that I don't know any of them

—Well, Carly things got complicated tough the years, but that, not the point. I'm pretty sure that you are gonna make a lot of friends

Carly just simply smiled at her father. Some times she just wishes that her mom was there too but she never said that to her father.


A few hours pass by so fast and now she was pushing her cart to the platform 9 and 3/4. Carly wasn't sure where this platform was but, her father knows that for sure.


Her father stops at the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

—Dad are you sure?

—Yes of curse I'm sure now all you have to do is to go on this wall.

Carly wasn't sure about that, but what was the worst thing that could happen? She starts running in the wall, all she had in her had was God have mercy!
But nothing happened and she passes easily trough this wall.

—See I told you everything is going to be okay.

Carly smiles at her father, he was right everything was alright. They start walking down the train station which was full of people. A lot of kids very excited for the next school year, some of them are even crying cause they didn't want to go and leave them, parents. Carly even saw some twins with redhead helping a boy with round glasses. Then Carly saw a woman with black hair and blue eyes with a boy beside her, that boy had a huge smile on his face, with dark curly hair and a pair of black eyes.

—Hi Remus!the woman said

—Is good to see you, Alexia. And he must be your son Ruben am I right?

—Yeah the boy said with a huge smile on his face 

—And this is Carly, right? the woman said

—Yes, this is me!

—Is good that Carly is going to have a familiar face on this train, she was so afraid that she not going to make any friends she sais that is too weird.

—This is Hogwarts everyone is weird in their own ways Ruben said with a smile on his face

—You two should probably get into the train Ruben mom said

Carly hugs one last time her father and after that, she got into the train with Ruben right after.

—Meaby we should go and find a compartment Ruben said

Carly watches him in shock, she didn't think that he was nice with her just because of his mother.

—Wait? Do you actually want to be my friend?

 —Yes of course  if you want that too

—Of course, I want that too.

Both of them simple and star the search for a compartment, at first that mission semese impossible, but they found a compartment with a brunet girl in it .

—Hi, can we stay here? Carly ask politely

The girl looks at her with a very evil look on her face.

—Did I ask you a question? the girl said

—No, I ask you one  Carly said very confuse

—Let's get this straight. You talk to me just when I want too.

—There is no need to be rude Ruben said

—Yes, it is if I want to be treated with respect, cause I'm Lea Prior. Now get out.

Ruben and Carly didn't know what to say, so they get out of the compartment and star again the searching. After a wile, they fiind a compartment with just a blond girl in it.

—Hi, Carly said again Can we stay here?

—Of course, the girl said I'm Rosie by the way.

—I'm Carly and this is Ruben, nice to meet you.

—So you too know each other for a long time? Sofie asks trying to make conversation

—Yeah, a very long time Ruben said How long Carly like twenty minutes? 

Sofie star laughing 

—Well is good to meet you too. So in which house do you think you will be? Carly ask

—I don't know Sofie said My whole family was at Slytherin but I don't wanna be in Slytherin.

—Same for here, my whole was in Slytherin except for my uncle Sirius Black which was at Gryffindor and I don't know in which house I want to be Ruben said

—What about you Carly? Sofie said 

—I don't know, I mean my dad was in Gryffindor same for my grandparents but I don't know in which house I want to be.

—What about your mom? Sofie ask

—I never meet my mom she leaves me and my dad when I was just a baby.

—I'm sorry Sofie said I didn't know that.

—It is ok.

The rest of the trip, all of them talk about a lot of stupid thinks

This is guys the second chapter .
What do you think about the new characters?  And how do you think is Carly Godless parent?



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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