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THE NAME CARRIE WHITE STILL sends shivers down people's spine who knew what happened in those years many,many years go. Who was Carrie White and what did she do? In 1976,at Hawkins Highschool in Hawkins,Indiana,the highschool burned down,barely anyone survived. Those survivors were Sue Snell,Nancy and Mike Wheeler, Jonathan and Will Byers,Lucas Sinclair,Maxine Mayfield along with a mysterious girl,as she said,named Eleven. They all claimed that Carrie White caused the accident but since Carrie and her mother, Margaret White,were found dead in their house,which was burned down,there was no evidence to prove that Carrie actually caused the accident.

The net divided the two groups of girls as they wore yellow shirts and shorts that stopped at mid-thigh. The girls were shouting as they played volleyball but there was one girl who stood out. Her name was Carrie White and she just looked around,hoping that none of the girls would throw the ball at her.

"Hit it to Carrie! She'll blow it."

"Don't blow it,Carrie! Hit it!"

However,it was too late and when Carrie tried to hit it,the ball passed her hand,making the girls groan in frustration.


"She blew it again!"

The female gym teacher blew her whistle, signaling the girls to get dressed. As the girls passed by Carrie,Norma,Chris Hargenson's right-hand woman,took off her hat and smacked Carrie with it. They all talked shit in her as she stood there,trying to keep her hair behind her ears. "You eat shit!" Chris Hargenson said in Carrie's face before going inside the locker room.

The hot water sprayed on Carrie's pale skin as the soap bar travelled along her body in the locker room showers. When she started to clean her legs,she accidentally dropped the soap and felt something slimy in her hand. She opened up her eyes and looked at her hand,seeing blood which dripped down between her legs and fingers. She was scared and confused as she stumbled out of the shower. She grabbed onto Nancy Wheeler's white shirt with her bloody hand,whimpering,"Help me! Help me,please!" In disgust,Nancy pushed Carrie back who was scared for her life. "Help me! Help me!" Carrie screamed as the girls pointed and laughed at her. "Have a Tampax!" Chris said,holding up a tampon. Carrie began backing up as the girls taunted her to the point where she cowered in fear in the shower corner. Sue Snell looked around at the girls in disgust as Nancy opened up a compartment for pads and passed it to the girls. "Plug it up! Plug it up! Plug it up!" The girls taunted,along with giggling as they threw pads at the distraught girl. The female gym teacher saw everything that happened and stormed out of her office. She pushed the girls away and grabbed Nancy by her arms,asking,"Nancy,what are you doing? What are you doing?" "Carrie, she's just got her period." Nancy giggled. The gym teacher walked towards Carrie and immediately Carrie grabbed the teacher,tears streaming down her face. She was screaming in fear but stopped when the teacher slapped her. "Stop it! Now relax. Calm down and listen to me! It's okay. Just stand up and take care of yourself." The teacher said. Carrie was still crying as the teacher shook her. One of the lights broke in the showers, surprising and almost scaring everyone. "No!" Carrie wailed,the gym teacher holding her. The teacher looked at the group of girls and said,"Get out of here." The girls quickly scrambled out of the lockers but Sue stayed behind. "I tried to stop them." Sue said,distrub at what she saw. "I know,Sue. Go on. Get out." The teacher said. "Yes ma'am." Sue said and ran after the girls.

For half an hour,Carrie sat in the office's chair,her wet hair covered her face as people walked by, giving her disgust looks. "Come in,Cassie." The principal said from his office but the gym teacher corrected,"Carrie." Carrie walked in the principal's office,her books tucked to her chest. "I thought you might take the rest of the day to go home,take care of yourself,Cassie." The principal said. Carrie looked down at the ashtray in which leftover cigarettes are in. "We can call a taxi to take you home." The principal offered. "I think she can walk home." The gym teacher said. The ashytray rocking back as the gym teacher said,"Carrie,you're dismissed from gym,okay? Just take study hall instead." "We're all sorry about this incident,Cassie." The principal said. "It's Carrie!" Carrie shouted,the ashtray flew up and shattered on the floor as Carrie raced out of the principal's office as the gym teacher picked up the broken pieces of the tray.

Margaret White walked up the driveway of The Wheelers' house then she rang the doorbell. Karen Wheeler opened up the door,saying to Margaret,"Oh,Mrs. White." "How have you been,Mrs. Wheeler?" Margaret asked. "I'm fine." Karen said. "How about your children?" Margaret asked. "Nancy,Mike,and Holly are fine. Why won't you come in,Mrs. White?" Karen asked. "Oh,how kind of you." Margaret said,opening the door and walking into the house. "Mrs. White,I'd like to contribute five...ten dollars." Karen said,giving ten doors to Margaret. "I see. I pray you find Jesus." Margaret said, putting the ten dollar bill in a black box in her purse and walked out of the house. "Hey, wasn't that Carrie White's mother?" Nancy asked Karen. "Hey,I didn't hear you come in." Karen said. "Well,what'd she want?" Nancy asked.

From her window,Carrie could see Margaret walking to her house and she backed away from her window. She heard the door closed as she hurriedly put on her clothes. The phone rang in which Margaret picked it up, mumbling to whoever was on the other line. "I know you're listening," Margaret said after the phone call,"Come on downstairs." Carrie walked down the stairs,seeing her mother standing there and she asked,"Mama? Who was that called?" "You're a woman now." Margaret said,not answering Carrie's question. "Why didn't you tell me,Mama?" Carrie whimpered and screamed when Margaret slapped her with a Bible. Margaret opened up the Bible,reading a chapter,out loud,""And God made Eve from the rib of Adam. And Eve was weak and loosed the raven on the world. And the raven was called sin." Say it. The raven was called sin. Say it." Margaret demanded. "And the raven was called sin!" Carrie whimpered. ""And the first sin was intercourse." First sin was intercourse." Margaret said. "I didn't sin,Mama." Carrie cried. "Say it!" Margaret said,slapping Carrie. "I didn't sin,Mama!" Carrie cried harder. "First sin was intercourse." Margaret repeated. "And the first sin was intercourse! Mama,I was so scared,I thought I was dying. And the girls,they all laughed at me,and threw things at me,Mama." Carrie said. ""And Eve was weak." Say it! Eve was weak! Say it, woman!" Margaret shouted. "Eve was weak! Eve was weak!" Carrie said. ""And the Lord visited Eve with a curse. And the curse was the curse of blood." Oh Lord," Margaret said,getting on her knees,holding up Carrie's hands,"help this sinning woman see the sin of her days and ways. Show her if she had remained sinless the curse of blood would never have come on her. She may have been tempted by the Antichrist." "No,Mama! No!" Carrie cried. "Don't you like to me,Carrietta. Don't you know by now,I can see inside you? I can see the sign as surely as God can. We'll pray." Margaret said,getting up and dragging Carrie to her praying closet as she kicked and screamed. The screams continued as Carrie was locked in her closet but then it stopped.

"You can go to bed now." Margaret said as she sew a sweater. Carrie opened then closed the closet door and she kissed her mother's cheek before going upstairs.

Carrie was sobbing as she looked at herself in her mirror and the mirror began shaking violently before breaking into shards.

"Carrie? Carrie,what is that noise?"

Margaret walked in Carrie's room to see her praying. "What was that noise?" Margaret asked. "What noise?" Carrie asked. "Go to bed." Margaret said. "Yes,ma'am. Saying my prayers." Carrie said. Margaret closed the bedroom door and Carrie could hear her footsteps receding from the bedroom.

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