Chapter 1

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Hermione Granger is smart. Smarter than anyone alive, in fact. This, however, does not mean you can throw her in Azkaban. Her intellect is a threat to the Master Manipulator's rule. Her intellect is half the reason Voldemort was defeated. Master Manipulator wants her gone. Away from him. Away from his rule. Because he is right - Hermione would challenge his new-found rule.

(She is smart. Fear her.)

Ron Weasley is loyal. He had moments where he dropped, but he always returned, no matter what they said to him. This got him thrown into Azkaban. He helped defeat Voldemort, and he stood by his two best friends the whole time. Master Manipulator thinks he will help them destroy his rule. He is right. Ron wants to tear it all down.

(He is loyal. Hide him.)

Luna Lovegood is different. She sees things others do not, and she understands without talking. She cares for others, she sees Wrackspurts and Nargles. She saw thestrals and trusted them. She doesn't judge on appearance. She only speaks the truth. Master Manipulator doesn't like her. She scares him. So he locked her away. His rule would be safer without her. He is right. Luna sees him without his disguise.

(She is different. Taunt her.)

Ginny Weasley is the youngest in her family, and the only girl. She loved someone, someone powerful, someone the Master Manipulator hated. Someone he used. He thought she would betray him for his actions. He was right. She wanted revenge.

(She loves. Destroy her.)

Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater. On his arm was a permanent truth of his betrayal. He regrets it every day. Master Manipulator thought he might move to the side of the war Master Manipulator hasn't planned for him. So he threw him in Azkaban. He thought he might change. He was right. Draco wanted a better life.

(He regrets. Stop him.)

George Weasley only has one ear. He lost his protecting his friend. He has a twin, a twin he loves dearly, a twin he doesn't want to lose. Master Manipulator thought he would cut the world down because he saw his twin die. He was right. George defied physics for his twin.

(He is a half. Complete him.)

Neville Longbottom was that shy kid. That squib kid. That kid who was bad at everything. That kid who only liked plants. That kid who could have been the Boy-Who-Lived, but wasn't. That kid with his father's wand. That kid who failed Gryffindor. Then he decided to be brave. Fought the resistance. Went into hiding right under their noses. Smuggled undesirable no. 1 into Hogwarts. Slashed open a snake. Made a speech that held them all together. Master Manipulator thought he was changing. That he was strong. He was right. Neville was going to fight.

(He changed. Silence him.)

Fred Weasley died laughing. Blown up by Rookwood. But his twin, his other half, brought him back. Simply by sheer love. Sheer will. And a whole lot of magic. He returned, but not before realising everything was a lie. He knew. He knew things. Master Manipulator didn't like that. He thought he was dangerous. He was right. Fred was ready to tell the truth.

(He is alive. Kill him.)

Harry Potter was the Boy-Who-Lived-Twice. He was the master of death. Used to have a chunk of Voldemort's soul in his head. Defeated Voldemort countless times. Destroyed horcruxes. He had power. Master Manipulator didn't like that. Master Manipulator thought he might take him down. He was right. Harry fought for good. For the light. Not so one man could rule.

(He has power. Hurt him)

The Master Manipulator was Dumbledore.

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