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    So, yeah. I don't know how to really start this. If you came here looking for a typical story, I am sorry to say this ain't it. This is where I, the author, will be word and thought vomiting onto the page. When I was younger I use to write on here a lot. I posted horrifying fan fictions. (Let me save you from any more, they were all bad). I use to really enjoy writing, eve though I am bad at it. But here recently my anxiety been getting far to out of hand and I have no real close friends I could talk to. So I guess my way of dealing with it is here.
    I don't think I am going to disclose any information like my name, where I live or what school I attend. I don't want to risk being found out who I am, but I guess I'll give a 20 facts about me.
    1. I was born 1999
    2. My parents divorced when I was a few months old.
    3. My dad has full custody
    4. I am the youngest in my family
    5. I am not close to any of my family
    6. I have a boyfriend and as of 2020 I've been with him for 3 years.
    7. I am in college
    8. Math is fun
    9. I live in the Midwest
    10. I suffer from anxiety
    11. I am recovering from anxiety
    11. I am an over-thinker
    12. I LOVE Disney
    13. And Harry Potter
    14. I once was a Directioner (those who know know ad those who don't, you are way way to young to be reading this)
    15. I have hopes to be a lawyer
    16. but my dream job (never told anyone) is to be a author like Sara Dessen
    17. I collect snow globes
    18. I dislike Trump
    19. I have an MIP
    20. I am scared to post this
21. BONUS!!! I was on Wattpad before it turn into all of this. Back when it was online and before there where publish authors on here. Back when wattpad was run by fan fictions.

You probably didn't read any of that. Only number 18 and 19.
I really don't have any rhyme or reason how often I am going. To post or if I even going to. Like number 20 I am scared to post this. I don't want my family to read this. Since this is acting like my diary.....that literally anyone and everyone can read. (Wow, nice job girl you didn't think that one out.)
I guess the main reason why I am doing this is to 1) get things off my chest so hopefully I can sleep better, 2) find my love of writing again, 3) practice my writing and grammar, and 4) maybe it will show that my life is fucked up and you are not alone. Because even though I have the love of my life right there beside me. And I ca talk about anything too him, somethings he just doesn't understand. Which I guess is why I am word vomiting on to this website.
Oh! And the reason why I put this as mature because I might swear in here and might write about a few things that young children shouldn't be reading.
So I guess that is the end of this part? Chapter? Entry? Oh, I don't know what this is.
I guess this is goodbye until I post.

The Forgotten Girl

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