Chapter 1

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Lexi's POV

Katrina, Cindy, Sierra, Lynn and I were walking to the park to hang

out and talk about the usual stuff. We sat in a tunnel that connected

two parts of the playground. Katrina looked really sad, her head was

down so all you could see was her beautiful, red velvet hair.

"What's wrong, Katrina?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. The doves have been bullying me again, I'm thinking

of just skipping school sometimes." Katrina replied. The doves are this

group of really mean girls that point out other people's flaws, so

that no one can notice theirs. I feel really bad for Katrina.

Katrina's POV

"They said that my hair was ugly and unnatural." I said, sadly.

"But I love your hair!!!!!! It's beautiful and COMPLETELY

natural!!!!", Sierra said in her cute british accent. Anyway, we all

started talking about One Direction, and who we all fancy.

"So, umm, Lynn, who do you fancy in One Direction?", Sierra asked.

"Ummmm.....aha! Louis, of course! Lex, who do you love?" "I'm Niall's

potato."she replied we all laughed.

"Katrina, how 'bout you?" Lexi asked. "WARNING!!! EVERYONE back off of

Liam, he's mine!!!!" everyone started laughing again..

"You, Sierra?"

"Zayn!!!" She replied all peppy.

"And you, Cindy?" Sierra said like a french maid.

" one, really." she moaned.

Cindy's POV

"C'mon, there's gotta be one of them that you like." Lynn said.

"Nope, they never really appealed to me." I replied.

"Wow! how can you even say that?!?! They are so amazing and h-" She

stopped talking.. "Lynn? Earth to Lynn?" I waved my hand in front of

her face. I look at the others and they are all looking behind me.

"What? What are ya'll looking at?" I look behind me and see them. The

5 famous boys of one direction over by the see saw. I turn back to the

girls to tell them not to fangirl, but it was too late. They were

running toward them already. Well, I guess i'll just go swing on the


Louis' POV

I look up from the ground and see four girls running towards us. But

out of four, I had my eyes on one of them, I hope she is running

towards me. Just as I finished thinking that in my head, she hugged me


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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