1• Angels bar

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Katya was a 23 year old, tall, blonde and well structured woman. She dropped out of college at 18 and went straight into working because apparently 'strong women don't learn, they work' according to her father, not that he could speak for himself seeing as Katya does 90% of his job for him.
He owns the biggest business in Russia, selling...parts of...stuff?? Katya didn't know exactly what he did, and quite frankly she didn't care enough to ask. Her relationship with her father was, well, special. They had a very love and hate relationship, he set her up to start the new life she had been wanting for god knows how many years, but he still expects her to live under his thumb like his lap dog.

She worked in a local bar in Boston called 'Angels Bar'. She'd worked there for about 5 years, she basically took the job the day she dropped out of college, she wastes no time. She is assistant bar manager there and whether she likes to admit it or not, she actually really enjoys it. She used to hate people and having to be social with them but this job has completely flipped that and now she finds it exciting, meeting different types of people from different areas. She says there's something exhilarating about it, whatever that means.

It was a boring Tuesday night, and she was doing her same old Tuesday activities, cleaning every single inch of the bar so that her manager didn't call her on her days off to deep clean the bar, as she had a hobby of doing.
Tuesdays were always dead, for whatever reason that was just the day of the week that no one felt like drinking or music. The bar has new live acts every week, and although Katya thinks that some of the artists are a bit...basic, she likes the facts that she can get a show for free pretty much, at the expense of her working but still, she enjoyed most of the music and the music she didn't enjoy so much, she would just drown out by sticking her head in the drinks fridge behind the bar "cleaning it out" for however long the set lasted.

Tonight there was another new artist coming in. A country artist. Katya does not like country music, she killed herself at the thought of it. There was nothing appealing about 'folks' singing about hay barns and their trucks. 'All country music is the same, boring, and outdated' is her go-to insult about the genre. The artists name was Trixie Mattel. 'Stripper name' Katya thought to herself the second she read the set list.

"Katya, Trixie will be here in approximately 10 minutes so fix her up a drink for her dressing room!" The backstage manager yelled through the bar.
"Well thanks for the info that's really fucking helpful Violet, what kind of drink?" Katya replied with an obvious roll of her eyes, making sure Violet saw her. Violet was the backstage manager of Angels Bar. She was a tall, very petite women with sharp cheekbones and impeccable makeup, the women was a strong 21 year old woman, with a stand-offish personality that Katya grew to love.
"Drop the attitude blondie or i'll stick you on pots" the tall girl smirked. "Any drink, it's the thought that counts, not that you care".
"Shut it skinny, do you know what she looks like?" The older of the pair questioned, grabbing the drink shaker from under the counter.
"Why would I know that, just make her a gin martini with an olive or something I don't know, anything Kats, anything. Think wild, live a little, go nuts" Violet answered, very monotone and very little expression on her face.
"Who shit in your cornflakes this morning"
"Your mom now get to mixing" Violet left the bar and disappeared back into the dressing rooms.
Katya started creating a new drink she learnt to make, it was basic but Katya didn't care for cocktails or gins, she was a beer or red wine kind of woman but she wanted to extend her skills so she learnt how to make a Sex On The Beach and a Pornstar Martini, basic I know but she was quite proud of herself for taking the time to learn it.
She quickly started making up the Sex On The Beach drink, grabbing the shaker and her shot measure cup, that's what she called it, she couldn't care less about the real name for it. Measuring out the vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice and cranberry juice, adding all 4 into a shaker of ice, smacking the other cup on the other side and shaking for about 10-15 seconds, taking the top cup off and using the strainer to pour the drink into the tall glass with heart shaped ice in it, Katya just assumed that she was a heart shaped ice kind of gal. She pressed an orange slice on the glass and stuck a swirly straw in it, placing it in the fridge behind her just so the ice didn't water down the drink before Trixie got here.

About 15 minutes later, Violet came running out the dressing rooms, almost scaring Katya half to death.
"Jesus Violet! You scared the fucking shit out of me what is wrong with you, you need to make a sound when ur coming that fast" Katya exclaimed a little bit dramatically holding her palm on her heart.
"What do you want me to do, cock-a-doodle-do at you?" Violet asked, a sarcastic look on her face.
"Anything other than that fucking dickhead I could've died!" Violet scoffed and patted Katyas head like a dog.
"You are pretty old grandma I should be careful around you, I'll be cautious next time" Katya smacked Violets hand off her and sighed.
"I'm 2 years older than you get a grip, was there a reason why you came bursting out here out of fucking no where?"
"Yes, I need Trixie's drink. You did make it right?" the older girl rolled her eyes and opened the fridge.
"No, i didn't make the drink you oh so kindly asked me to make" she handed her to drink and leant against the counter. "Now fuck off I have some mental preparation to do before Trixie goes on stage" Violet just rolled her eyes and walked away.
Katya and Violet were best friends, although it didn't seem like it, they were as close as best friends could be. Violet wandered into the bar about 2 years ago, begging Katya for a job because she had to pay for everything herself as her parents had kicked her out for being into girls. From that day, Katya took Violet under her wing and has protected her more like a big sister whenever she needed it. They also lived together in a small but homey apartment about 10 minutes away from the bar.

Only 25 minutes passed before Violet wandered onto the stage and tapping the mic in the middle of the stage to check it was on.
"It's so nice to see everyone here tonight, hows everyone doing?!" the crowd erupted in howls and whistles, it was a little busier than normal but only by a few, there was approximately 15 people on floor, usually there's about 35-50 on a normal night, and anywhere between 150-200 on a busy day, even more than Katya can count when there's a game on.
"Well I'm glad you're all doing well! And your night is about to get even better. Can everyone help me give a warm welcome to one of the best country singers in the state, Trixie Mattel!!!" Violet yelled into the mic and everyone started screaming and whistling at the stage, a few Woo's and come on's
in the mix.
When the lights died down and the spotlight hit the stage, Katya lifted her head and her heart immediately fell out her arse.

holy shit

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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