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I woke up with a sharp pain in my leg. I could barely handle how excruciating it was. Tears clouded my eyes and spilled down my cheeks.

Dim sunlight poured through the blinds on the window. 5:47, the clock read. I caressed my left leg harshly, nails digging into the skin which didn't help the pain one bit. This felt like death.

I screamed so loud my mother came rushing to my room. I sobbed horribly, and couldn't bare to open my eyes and they were squeezed shut.

Soon the pain began to slowly digress, and I was left with a shaken core. I had no clue what had happened until I fell sound asleep in my mother's arms.

Later, I sat at the table in the dining room, chewing on some cereal. My spoon swirled around in the milk as I processed last night. What really happened?

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