so thats how you wanna play huh *EDITED*

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Your pov

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" He yelled while throwing lumine out Then he throw me at lumine, "AHH" Me and lumine yelled , I landed on him "oww" We said at the same time, the man throw our bag at us while I was getting up so I fell back on lumine, "BWHA?!" Lumine yelped 'yeah that didn't hurt one bit' I thought.
"AND DON'T YOU DARE COME BACK, ALL YOU TWO HAVE DONE IS CAUSE TROUBLE FOR THE PAST TWO MONTHS!! "He yelled angrily. Making my ears go down farther. " LOYAL BODYGUARDS MY ASS!"he yelled louder "YOU ALMOST GOT ME KILLED MULTIPLE TIMES!! " He continues "NOW GET LOST!!" He yelled even louder "YOU USELESS MUTTS!!"he finished. That made my blood boil, seeing my twin brothers face when he heard it made me angry I was about to yell back at the horrible man, lumine saw and grabbed my hand to calm me down. The man slammed the door *sigh*.we started walking, still holding hands so neither of us get lost,(A/n excuse my grammar) , " Oh kiddos? , were you finally kicked out? "A teen asked, more like taunted us, as they walked off I could still hear them, "Our boss is usually pretty patient though" "Guess even he couldn't take it anymore" They laughed till they were gone.
We arrived at this building and sat against the wall. 'But seriously He could have at least paid us before he kicked us out' we thought (let's just say the have 'twin telepathy') 'so we didn't have to sleep outside'... 'I guess we should try to sleep at least a little....' lumine rested his head on the wall and I layed my head on his shoulder and with that we fell a sleep.

".. Y"
"What?!" We stuttered. "Finally" We heard, we looked up and their was a cute boy "what are you two doing sleeping in a place like this? " The boy said squatting down to look at as. "... ......"no one said anything 'did he come to shoo us away...?' lumine thought. 'Should we go sleep some where else?' I asked him in my head. He tapped my hand once as to say yes.
"um.... I-im sorry! We'll go somewhere else! " He said grabbing my hand and getting up and puts on our backpack "wait" The boy said "?" We looked at him confused and scared. "Do you know where the train station is? "He asked. "U-uh yeah . . I think.. A-Are you lost? "Lumine stuttered " Well duh I wouldn't be asking you otherwise. " He started Rudely " I was visiting the city with my dad and got lost, our car is near the train station. " He explains "so can you take me their or not" He said rudely, I started to get annoyed with him. "Um... Don't you have a phone.. ? " Lumine asked. "Battery died" The boy said plainly. "W-Well we don't have anything better to do anyway so... "Lumine said. " Great. Lead the way. " The boy said.


"HUH?!...i was so sure it was this way... " Lumine said, I just watched I stood in the shadows so it was hard to see me, "I shouldn't have asked you... " The cute but rude boy mumbled. " This is so weird"lumine said quietly. "Which way was it again..."he said looking around, I just watched having no clue what to do. "hey" We all Looked toward the voice to see a teenager there. "What are you brats doing here?...its already past your bedtime. " He said "uh... Nothing just trying to find the train station..." Lumine said. "Hmm.well your far from it." The teen said "umm yeah we figured that too....we'll get going now.." Lumine said trying to walk away as I started getting up still unseen. "Wait a second." The teen said "w-what?"Lumine asked scared"let's make a deal" The teen smirked, 'I don't like this' I thought, "I'll show you the way to the train station if you pay me" The teen offered. "Um no thank you" Lumine denied. "We'll manage by ourselves..." He said. "Hey I won't ask for much" The teen said. "I don't have any money..." Lumine said. "Sorry but I can't let you two pass before you give me money" The teen said "since I really need money right now you know"the stupid teen said." The get a job, bum." The boy, who found us, rudely said. 'Oh great just make things worse why don't ya' That ticked off the teen "Look I tried To be nice.. " The teen started "but you kinda touched the nerve there so..." Two pairs of footsteps were heard "meet my two friends... Who will bite your limbs off if you Won't do as I say..." Two weredogs came into view 'weredogs!.. ' me and lumine mentally yelled. "But I really do not have any money..."lumine said 'threatening me won't change that fact...' Lumine thought "lair! You have to have something valuable! Give me your backpack!" The teen said trying to take our bag but lumine bit him 'oh no...this isn't good' "AHH..... Y-YOU BRAT!!" The teen screamed/yelled."a-ah!...Im sorry I didn't mean to-" Lumine tried to apologize "oh sure you didn't!... You little piece of... GET HIM! " he yelled to the weredogs. 'so that's how you want to play huh!?' I thought "w-wait! I don't want to fight!" Lumine said scared. "TO BAD! THINK BEFORE YOU ATTACK SOMEONE NEXT TIME!. "the teen yells. They started walking towards lumine 'then I guess I have no choice
. I'll have to
... Fight!'

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