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Tagged by Prisky0731

Tagged by Prisky0731

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1. When is your birthday
December 7th
2. Who is your favourite band/singer.
I don't really have a favourite but if I had to choose, Imagine dragons.
3. Least favourite movie genre?
Definitely horror, I am a huge chicken.
4. Who is your favourite author
5. Where would you like to live when you are older.
I would love to stay at the country I'm at. Which is Australia. Though if I wanted to visit a country(not live in) it would be Japan.
6. Three random facts about yourself
I am the youngest in my family
I play basketball
And I have a pet cat.
7. Tag you favourite person!
Well I'm not really close to many people on this website so just use my favourite author instead.
8. Tag 5-20 people

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