1: numb

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No pov
Tord adjusted his goggles in his room at the blue army base, longing to see that commie bastard. He didn't know why. Just years earlier tom and tord were enemies barely tolerating each other's existence and now tord would obey toms commands with almost no question. Tord has to admit that tom was a force to be reckoned with, after all tord had seen Toms destruction up close and personal and it was not for the faint of heart. Tord had grown used to the screams of pain coming from the cells full of rebels in the basement, being tortured and ripped apart for any scrap of information that may lead to edd and matts capture. After all it was they who chose to rebel and fight against him and his army. They knew the risks and they went all in and took their chances and lost.

Tords pov
I picked up my clipboard full of important and vital dates and notes from meetings so tom wouldn't forget because if he couldn't remember something the closest person would be blamed for it and hurt...don't get me wrong, I love tom and he's never REALLY hurt me but I still try to keep him happy out of fear of what he could do if driven to it. I shook my head trying to get rid of the thoughts that plagued my mind as to calm my nerves a little. Tom doesn't really bother me unless I really fuck up like when I was really late or I missed key information in a meeting. I noticed that He doesn't like it when I speak Norwegian but it's my mother tongue so it's more difficult than you'd expect but I don't want to test him, that's all. Walking through the long, crumbling halls i could feel the soldiers eyes burn into me like point points of a needle pricking at my confidence but I refused to waver so walking proudly through the halls to try and get it through to them that I didn't care about what they thought.

Opening Toms office door I was greeted by low growls "ever heard of knocking?!" His low and ruff voice startled me slightly but I won't let that communistic fucker get the better of me "morning to you too, thomas" I said flipping through my notes "we have-" he cut me off harshly "don't you know how to shut up?!, my heads killing me!!" Yelling at this point i calmly replied "sorry, thomas but you have to know about a meeting in an hour with some of the neighbouring gangs-" "what did I just say!?!!" He stood from his chair glaring at me. "But Thomas I-" he punched me straight in the visor knocking me to the floor with immense pain flooding into my eyes I blurt out in the heat of the moment "d-dritt ! hva i faen !?" (S-shit !! What the hell !?) as soon as the words left my mouth I knew what I did. I knew what he would do. "T-tom I-" pain pricked my side as though I fell in a thorn bush as I realised he was kicking me until I was laying on my side gripping my stomach and coughing up slight blood due to me moving so he kicked me in the head. The office spun around me making me ill.

I tried to concentrate on something, anything to try and steady my vision but all I could think about was the pain in my visor and Toms relentless kicking and shouting think along the lines of "fucking WORTHLESS!!" "I should have left you to DIE where I found you!" I couldn't hear properly. All I could hear was my heart and blood pounding in my ears like a drum. Finally after what felt like an eternity he let up. "Don't you ever. Disobey me again" as soon as he finished he left the room in complete rage so when I felt it safe I crawled over to his desk and hoisted myself up, too weak to get up manually. After a minute of steadying out the pain I walked slowly to my room and shut the door. I glanced at myself in the mirror. Disgusting. That was the first thought that rushed to my mind, it started to replay over and over and over again making me swell with rage until I burst at the seams and punched to mirror and it shattered into small sharp shards of reflections, pointing out everything I hate about myself and try to hide. Why don't I try it. I shook my head to try and empty out my vile thoughts to no affect. In fact it made it worse. I wonder what it would feel like. I wanted so badly to succumb to my own mind that I gave in.

I grabbed a shard and pressed it lightly on my pale freckled skin and gradually added pressure until my arm was covered in crimson and deep cuts to which I stare on at what I had done. Before I knew it it was starting to bleed heavily so i ran my arm under the cold, calming water making it sting slightly and wrapping it tightly in gauze and bandages. I slipped into bed holding my developing cuts and bruises, I went to sleep wondering how tom would react if he found out.

(908 words)

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