1fl| Shoto Todoroki

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I groan as I approach the school's entrance. "This is going to be a drag," I mumble and skip up the steps.

"Hey y/n!" Kyoka yells as she sees me enter the class.

"Hey, Kyoka," I mumble and hug her.

She smiles as we part from the hug, "you do know what day it is... right?"

I sigh and nod, "Valentine's Day."

She squeals. "I heard someone has a surprise for you." She says.

I look up and feel a light blush enter my face, "really?"

She nods, "yeah, you just have to wait and see who it is."

We sit down in our seats. "Who do you think it is?" I ask Kyoka.

"I'm not sure..." She says looking around.

I look around too, my eyes falling on someone standing right in front of me. "Sh-shoto?!" I stutter.

He hands me a box of chocolates and a card, "please don't make a scene."

I somewhat smile as I take the gifts, "I didn't get you anything though..."

I see him look away with a small smile on his face. "I'm guessing you weren't expecting me to like you?" He asks.

I silently nod and look at the ground. "Look, IcyHot is finally telling her!" I hear Katsuki yell from the other side of the room.

My face brightens with color. "S-sorry for this," I say looking over at Katsuki.

Shoto looks back over to me, "well he is your brother, after all, it's expected... Would you go out with me, y/n?"

"Y-yes!" I shriek.

"Back to your seats everyone!" Aizawa yells.

Everyone scrambles back to their seats as the class goes silent.

Todoroki and I were paired together for the third class. "You should make a move," Kaminari tells Shoto.

Shoto shakes his head. "I only just told y/n, I won't be crossing a line." He says.

Kyoka nudges me, "you should tell him that it's fine, I know you'd be fine with him getting-"

I cover her mouth as Shoto looks at us. Kaminari joins in, "she wouldn't mind him getting what?"

"N-nothing!" I stutter and remove my hand.

"She wouldn't mind Shoto getting a little touchy." Kyoka quietly blurts.

I blush and hide my face as Shoto's eyes widen. "Y/n! Is that true?!" Kaminari yells.

I cover my head with my hoodie without replying. "I take that as a yes..." Shoto mumbles.

I sigh into my arms and slowly lift my head up. To my surprise, Kaminari and Kyoka had already left. "I- Please don't look at me as-" I pause as I feel warmth on my thigh.

I look down to see Shoto's hand placed on my thigh, "I hope this isn't too much."

If it was possible, I was blushing more. "It's just fine," I mumble and place my hand on top of his.

Katsuki walks behind us and pulls Shoto's hand away. "Oops, didn't see your hand on her thigh," Katsuki growls and continues walking like nothing happened.

Shoto's face was filled with confusion and shock, all I could do was giggle.

"W-whats so funny?" He stutters.

"Your face!" I gasp for air.

A smile creeps onto his face as he catches on.

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