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Hey! Um...Sorry for not uploading or whatever i just been down in the dumps lately and im kinda losing ideas...Please if you have ANY suggestions please help me out! Exams are over i just took a rest from writing. And about my exams...
IM SORRY MAMA DIDN'T MAKE YOU PROUD :<< I Flunked A.P and Science And im waiting for my Maths results and other subjects I regret EVERYTHING in what happened in my Science and A.P test! In the A.P test i just didn't notice that ONE FRICKING PAGE and had NO answers whatsoever! If i saw that page i would've gotten a better score! In science i just devoted my studying ONLY in the topic about Skeletal and Muscular and regretting again, EVERYTHING and there were a LOT of pages to review too! And if i just kinda skipped those topics again, I would've had a good score...And i have been regretting those decisions until now...Hope you understand...Plus i've been doubting that i would get in top 10s :((  I hope you guys understand why i haven't been updating (: Again i am SO SORRY D:
Well...Until i upload again...Bye (:

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