I Remember! (Louis)

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"But why!?" I ask my mum, "Don't argue, just go and pack" my mum says, I run upstairs and slam my door letting her know I was angry!, why did she have to ruin my life!!! And telling me the day before my 13th Birthday!!! I need Louis, I get out my walkie talkie and say, "Lou, you there?", a couple of seconds later, "Yeah, what's up?" he asks through the walkie talkie, it was funny how soothing his voice was, "Can you come over?" I ask him, sniffling the tears, "Of course!, I'll be there in a sec" he says and I can hear his door shut, literally 2 minutes later my window opens, "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks pulling me in for a hug, "M-Mum, s-s-said that we're m-m-moving!" I say through tears, "Love I didn't hear a word you said, try English" he says and I look up and hit him lightly, "See I made you smile" he says and I giggle, "You're the best friend anyone could ever have Lou" I say hugging him tighter, "Oh stop you" he says sarcastically and I laugh, I drag him to the bed and we lay there, my tears kept coming and going but he didn't care, I explained everything to him an he just nodded along to my frustration, "When do you leave?" he asks me, stroking my hair, "T-tomorrow" I say crying into his chest, he nods and continues stroking my hair, I stand up and so does he, he gives me a tight hug and whispers in my ear, "I'll never forget you babe" I smile and nod, "I'll never forget you either Lou" I say, he slides back out my window and instead of running back home like he usually does and walked hanging his head. That was the last time I saw my best friend...that was the last time I saw Louis...that was the last time I saw my Boo Bear

"Congratulations to our Year 12 graduates!!" my principal shouts, we all throw our hats up and cheer, "We did it Mulligan!" I shout to my best friend, she had been my best friend since I lived to Australia, "We did it Kinnealy! We made it through this hell people call high school!" she shouts. We say quick goodbyes and then run to the car where my mum was waiting, "To the airport!" I shout stupidly, she laughs and starts driving, we strip out of those ugly gowns we had to wear, and into some warm clothes. We (Tiana and I) were going back to Doncaster for our schoolies, instead of the Gold Coast or whatever


"Ok, girls you have everything?" my mum says for the 200th time, "Yes mum we have everything, stop panicking" I say and she sighs, "My girl is growing up! Don't tell me not to panic Gemma Kinnealy" she says and I sigh, "Now Tiana, make sure you keep this one inline, don't go out EVERY night" she says and I sigh while Tiana laughs, "Yes Sam, don't worry" she says, "All people on the Doncaster flight, please make your way to the gate, thank you" the man over the intercom says, I give mum a kiss and a hug, "Love you mum" I say, "Love you too, now hurry up before you miss your flight" she says pushing me to the gate, we wave and walk to our gate smiling and laughing

"It will be so nice to see everything again!" I exclaim as we sit down in our seats , "I know, you'll have to show me around" Tiana says and I nod smiling, I close my eyes and the first thing I see is...Louis

"Tiana come on!" I shout smiling as we jump out of the cab, I grab my bags while she grabs hers, we run to the front door, luckily they didn't change the key (my old house was now being used for people to rent), I open the door ad we walk in, "Ok rooms this way" I say to her as we walk up the stairs, your room is up the hall to the left, it's mum's old one" I say and she nods taking her bags into the room, I walk into my old room to see all the furniture in the same places, the queen sized bed still there, the desk in the corner, I walked and started putting things in my dresser, as I walked to put my bag under the bed I headed the floorboard , I gasp and sit down on the spot, I wonder if they're still there, I opened up the floorboard and smiled, all the cards Louis had given me from Valentine's Day and Birthdays and Christmases we're still there, "Gemma!" Tiana calls and I quickly shove everything back into the floorboard, "Yeah I'm here!" I shout back as I stand up, "What do you wanna do?" she asks, "Hey there's this really good lolly shop! We could go and pig out" I say and we face lust up, she lived food I didn't know how she kept her body but she did, "Yes!" she shouts serums to grab her wallet I'm guessing while I giggle and sigh, I had a reputation for having crazy friends, Lou and Tiana were absolutely mental! But I still love them, I grabbed my wallet and net Tiana at the front of the house, "Let's go" I say as we walk out of the house I shut the door and lock it, putting the key into my pocket, we walk and talk and laugh, Tiana knew about Louis and was the only one who did, we kept walking until I saw that gate, I gasped, "What's wrong?" she asked, I walk forward and I touched the gate


"Come on!" Louis said pulling my hand, I was sleeping over Louis's for the first time, "Pleeeeeeeease!" he begged and I nodded, his fce lights up and he grabbed my hand and pillow and we walked to his house, "Mum! Gem Gem's here! He shouted and his mum Jay walked in, "Gemma, how are you dear?" Jay asked me, "I'm good" I say smiling, seeing his mum made me slightly less nervous, Louis squeezed my hand and I relaxed a little, "Lou take her up to your room, I'll call you when dinner's ready" Jay says and we nod, we run to Louis's room and laugh and talk until dinner, I had been to Lou's house before but only for the day not a sleepover


"Ladies this is private property I'm going to have to ask you to leave" someone says from the door, I look up and see...Jay! Mrs Austin!, "Ok, sorry" I mumble loud enough for her to hear, I grabbed Gemma's hand and we continued to walk to the shop, "Here we are! Lou and I used to go here all the time!" I say smiling at the memory, we walk in and go our seperate ways and look around for our favourite lollies, I was deciding whether or not to get M&M's when I heard someone, "Thanks!" he said, as I turned around I saw my best friend walk out if the Lolly-Shop! It was Louis!!! He was still here!!


"Morning sleep-head!" my mum says when I walk down the stairs, I groan and fling my hair to the side, creating a fringe that almost covers my eye, "Mum, I'm going out see you later" I say finishing my toast and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Ok see you later" she says as I walk out the door, "Lou!!" someone shouts from inside, I turn around to see Daisy and Phoene running out, "Hey girls, what's up?" I ask as they hug me, a little surprised at why they were doing this, "Lou..." Daisy says trailing off looking around, "Ok what do you want?" I ask crossing my arms and looking at them accusingly, "Can you go to the lolly shop!?" Phoebe asks giving me puppy-dog eyes, I sigh and then Daisy joins on with the puppy-dog eyes , "Fine" I say an they clap their hands, "Now go inside and get changed before you freeze " I say and they nod running back inside. I start the walk to the lolly-shop singing quietly to myself, I had always loved singing, I did the musicals at school and was in the choirs every year, whenever Gemma was upset I used to sing to her, it made her calm down, speaking of Gemma she would've graduated by now I think, I kept my promise I never gigot her, I wonder where she is now, I wonder how she's doing...I hope everything's good with her...Hannah! "Shit! I forgot she was coming around today!" I say to myself, then the lolly-shop came into view, Gemma and I used to come here dry day after school and just pig out, it was so funny how she could eat SO much...yet not gain ANY weight!


"On 3, ready?" I ask her and she nods smiling, "1, 2, 3!" I shout an we run in the lolly-shop, "What are you- oh it's just you two" Mr Humming (the shop owner) said and we laughed, "You guys pick a chocolate bar out, on the house" he says and we smile, "Caromelo Koala!" I shout running to where they were, "Lou, it doesn't count as a chocolate bar" she says sighing with her arms crossed, I shrug and she smiles


I walk into the shop and look around, I might as well get something for Hannah, "Hey Louis" Mr Humming says waving at me, "Hey Mr Humming, how are ya?" I ask him, no one was in the shop just me and him, "Yeah I'm pretty good and you?, looking for anything in particular?" he asks me, "Yeah I'm good, have you got any Caromelo Koalas?" I ask him and he chuckles, "Always your favourite, uh I think they're behind the Red Skins" he says and I nod walking over and there they were behind the Red Skins, "They were Gemma's favourite" I sigh and he gives me a confused look, "Oh that's right! Gemma how could I forget, you two were always in here, how's the lass doing?" he asks me, "I don't know, we haven't ahh spoken in a couple years, but I think she would've graduated by now" I say and he nods, a little frown appearing on his face, "Oh cheer up! You still have me" I say wiggling my eyebrows, "Oh great" he says rolling his eyes and I laugh sarcastically, "I don't think I'd even recognize her if I saw again" he says and I smile, "I couldn't forget her" I say and he smiles, "So you got a girlfriend?" he asks me as I move around the shop, getting Phoebe and Daisy some lollies, "Yeah, her name's Hannah" I say and he smiles, "Very nice" he says and I smile, "She is something special" I say and I walk over and pay for my things when the bell rings signaling someone's coming in, "They're on the house mate" he says and I smile, "Thanks!" I say before walking out, just as I do my phone rings,

"Hey mum, what's up?" I ask, "Come home!, like now!" she shouts and I hung up and sprint home, what happened!? Was everything ok!?, I burst through the door to see my mum smiling like an idiot, "What's...wrong?" I ask panting, "She's here!" she squeals and I give her a confused look, "Who...Hannah?" I ask her still trying to catch my breathe, she shakes her head, the next thing that came out of her mouth made me smile and gasp, "Gem-Gem!"

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