2. Room 333

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Room 333 was the darkest in the whole school. None of the lights work in that room. We tried our cell phones in that room but they never worked. The room only had a single chair. Nothing else. We heard another horrific scream. Again not from anybody in the group. All of the sudden we say a ghostly figure run to the chair, sit down, and disappear. We all saw it this time. We all let out a horrific scream and ran out of the room. We decided to take charge. We walked the the hole school trying to find the stairs to the basement. We found the kitchen with some canned goods. We opened some of the canned goods and ate. We finally found the basement and Skylar led the way down the stairs. I went second, Dasana third, Chloe next, Teighgan went last. When we got down there, we saw the circle of candles. We also saw a video camera, and device that pickes up the spirits voices. We gabbed the camera and the voice thing, figured out how to work them. Then we went back upstairs, found room 333, set everything up, and we turned it all on. "Now we wait! Are you excited Alison?" Asked Skylar. "Omg I can't even explain how excited I am." I said. All of a sudden the voice thing went crazy! We all looked puzzled, scared and excited all at the same time. We started to ask the ghost some questions. Skylar asked for its name. It said Evelyn. I asked how it died. She said "The same way u will." I started freaking out.

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