[BangChan] Story 1 ; Part 2

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The Next Day , Tuesday
8:00 a.m
Christopher Bang P.O.V

I've got early to school today so I have at least half an hour to talk with her.

First ,I search for her at the locker but she's wasn't there in front of her locker.

I guess she already in her class?


Yesterday she told me that she'll wait for me here ,in front of her locker since she wanted to put her stuff inside first.

Before I make my way to the classroom ,I find for her first.

From canteen to the park behind school ,the school feild ,art room ,music room ,everywhere but I didn't found her yet.

Then ,I thought of the school rooftop.

She must be there ,maybe she need to release her stress or something.

Who knows.

Then ,I rushed myseld to the school rooftop.

That's when I heard a loud punch noises and a girl voice hissing because of the pain she got from the punch or anything.

I search for where that voice come from.

Punch after punch ,I then heard the girl shouted in pain.

Then I noticed something..

Her voice..

Is it possibly Yoonji?

Second later I finally found where theg're hiding.

I peeked through the side ,witnessing everything.

But what I wanna know is who's the girl they're busy bullying her to death like this.

My heart drop when I saw the girl face.


Really her.

Two boys holding her arms as one boy in front of her keep on punching hard on her face and kicking her stomach.

The other 4 boya is only watching her while laughing ,these bastard.

     "I ask you one last fucking time ,give me your money!If you give me the exact same question ,I'm going to just fucking punch you!"

The boy loudly said to her ,spitting hard.

Yoonji is trying to catch her breath ,panting hard as those two boys still holding her arms tightly.

     "And this is the last time I told you ,I didn't bought any money with me today since both of my parents arent home ever since this morning.If you still don't believe me ,check me bag and my pocket.I'm not lying"

Then the boy in front of her is looking straight at her as he also catching his breath.

He then signalles one of the boy behind him to check her bag.

The boy then obeyes him.

He took her bag and emptied it ,only books ,pencil case and everything about school ,only that.

Nothing else.

Then the boy in front of her signalled the same boy to check her pocket ,empty.

     "Alright ,I guessing you're saying the truth.Later ,if you do the same thing ,I'll do the same.UNDERSTAND?!"

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