The week before...

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My first story! It was worth a try haha

Part 1:

Zoe, Joe, Jim, Caspar, Tanya, Louise, Alfie, Marcus, Niomi, Louis, Jack and Finn are all sat around in the creative space...

Caspar: JOE STOP IT! (He shouts in the highest pitch imaginable)

Joe: Mate get a grip! The story isnt even scary, jeez!

Joe darted towards the light switch and flicked it off then went to sit back down. He wanted to start the up coming show with a scary opening scene.

Joe: So I think it should go a little like this.... *lights dim, alarm rings*  a guy should announce on the microphone that Alfie and Zoe have had a little problem and then like loads of medics can run on and then we can pretend that Alfie ran out of the building because he was being chased by a mass murderer into the woods and and and then it could be some major murder mystery and and th....

Zoe: (interrupts very quickly) URM JOE I DONT THINK SO! I think you've definitely been playing too much outlast my friend. Now shut up and let the grown ups talk boy!

Joe runs off down the hallway and slams the door hard behind him. Caspar slowly creeps out after him.

Zoe: Urgh just ignore him guys, he's being a right pain lately.

The meeting continued for another 45 minutes. Joe and Caspar hadnt returned to the room. But nobody was interested. 

After the meeting, Zoe and Alfie jumped into their mini and drove back to their new house. Whilst grabbing their favourite pizza on the way home, they started to chat about their future.

Zoe: I just cant believe we've finally settled in our own house together. This is just crazy!

Alfie: I know little one, its sooooo much better now, we can spend so much time together, make more videos together... ah its just great (he smiles a cute smile and stares into her eyes, and leans in for a kiss) I really do love you Zoe, I can't think of anyone I'd rather be with. Maybe one day we'll have mini Zalfies running round poking at our thousands of guinea pigs hahaha

Zoe: How cute will that be!? Aww gorgeous, I'm too excited!

They arrived at their house, threw their keys on the side, and started on their pizza. After about 20 minutes of delicious dining, Alfie started tickling Zoe and they both went into a mad pillow fight. Alfie scooped Zoe up and carried her up the stairs and laid her gently on their crisp, clean sheets....

Let me know if you want me to carry on :)

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