chapter one

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Noor_al_hayat pov

     The sound of my stupid alarm woke me up . I stood up and went to make wudu (ablution) to observe my fajr and subr prayer . When I was done praying , I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. During the period of cooking I felt someone at my back and when I turned it was my mother

"Ekaado maami ( Good morning mom)" I greeted her

"Kaaro Omi mi atata ( morning my beloved child" she replied

"How was your night ?" I asked her

"It was good " she replied

"Alhamdulillah" I said

"How's cooking going?" She asked

" Am almost through with it " I replied

"Go prepare for school , I would continue the rest for you " she said

  That my mom for you . You must not be late for anything. Oh my ! I can't believe I haven't introduce myself . Well, my name is Noor-al-hayat meaning light of my life . People do call me Noor for short .  Am in ss2 , I'm not too short in height and not too tall I'm average  .

  Am the only child of my parents which makes me sad not to have siblings to play with . We aren't too rich and not ppor at least we can afford what we want , so let me put it like this we are more than average.

  Let me stop here before mom become angry cos she hate lateness . I ran into the bathroom and have my bath . I dressed in my school uniform which is of colour green and cream . I wore my earrings and other accessories allowed in school.

    I went downstairs to have my breakfast. I eat little cos am so anxious to go to school ( note the sarcasm) . I bid my mom bye and went out of the house . Before I could go far mom called  me back and gave me my lunch . She was really annoyed that I forgot my lunch but truth be told I do t like taking food to school. I apologise to her and blew her a kiss.

  I usually trek to school which is about 20 minutes walk . You must be wondering I have t mention about my dad . Well , my dad is a lecturer . He works at fountain university in osun state . So he his only home weekends. But guess what am daddy's girl .

   I got to school exactly when the alarm for assemble was sounding . I ran to the assembly ground to avoid questions from teachers.

   After the recitation of Al-mathurat , national anthem , national pledge , school anthem and a small lecture from a teacher .

"I don't even Know the topic she's talking about not to talk about what she's saying" .

The assembly came to an end.

     I finally got to class and say down gently . Amal a lose friend of mine cane to me but am guessing she came with a gist .

"Madam say what u wanna say and stop putting me in suspense " I told her

"Do you know that ......" She said a d trailed off

"If I know I wouldn't have ask you" I said sarcastically

"Murad broke up with Adeena" she dropped the bomb

"What " I shouted

"That what everyone has been saying but I don't know how true it is" she said doubting

"Amebo , mind your business and stop putting your nose into another person problem" I told her but before she could respond out math teacher entered the class .

   Truth be told , I once had a crush on Murad but I later found out he was a very proud and pompous being because he is rich . Even teachers like him more maybe because he do buy something for them but I actually care less

   I love mathematics alot . So I put in 100% concerntration while my math teacher  Mr Habeeb was teaching. When his period was almost over he started talking about our project for the term .

"This term project is going to be different" he said  making all the class look at him as if he has two heads . But we were all patient for him to continue

"Your project won't be individual anymore" he said

   OMG!!!! I hate working in group especially with my classmates who lacks cooperation. I don't think they even have the slightest knowledge of what is called that .

" I won't choose a group leader, I would just put five of you in a group and you would decide who your group leader would be" Mr Habeeb continued

"Please Allah let me be with someone with sense" I prayed silently

   I was listening attentively when he was calling the names cos he said if you miss it he won't call again and that zero in project.

   " Nina , Asma, Murad, Daliyah and Noor-al-hayat" I heard him say

"I can't believe am in the same group with that idiot Murad " I said frustrating . I looked to his side and he winked at me .

"Stupid animal" I said loudly for him to hear

  Time passed fast and was time for lunch. Amal came to me

"Hey girl , what for lunch today?" She asked

    We do share my food together but I don't eat hers . I don't know why but I just know I don't like it. She rarely brings food anyways.

  I brought out my lunch and gave it to her . I told her to eat it all cos am not hungry .

"What would you eat now ?" She asked

"Nothing" I replied

"You dare not" she shouted . She's more like a sister to me. She make sure I eat lunch at school.

"Okay fine . I would go and buy snacks and ice cream" I said

"Better " she replied

   I stood up from the class to go and buy it . On my way to the class one of my classmates Nabeelah stopped me

"Noor you are invited to my sister wedding tomorrow" she said

"Okay but I don't think I can make it" I told her truthfully

Today is Friday and the wedding is tomorrow. Mom hate I should tell her something late especially going out. She preffered that she should be inform like a week before the program .

"Would mom allow me to go" that was the question running through my head before I entered the classroom.

Hello guys .
How you doing.

I know this chapter is boring but it will get better .
This chapter is unedited so please ignore my grammatical errors.

Update would be every seven days but if you guys vote and comment well update would be every five days .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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