Deep in Love

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Everything about him is perfect. Bakugou would never admit it out loud, but the red-haired boy is his best friend, and the only one who can handle his explosive personality. He somehow managed to break down all of his walls within a few months here at UA, and quickly became the sole person able to get close to him and the only one he can trust. Bakugou sealed his own fate by befriending someone who can punch through a cement wall like it's nothing.

The end of Kirishima's pencil swings back and forth as he adamantly takes down the notes Aizawa is writing on the board. He chews his lip, evidently working to understand the math which Class 1-A is being taught. With all of the study sessions which have riddled his afternoons in the dorms, Bakugou knows for a fact that Kirishima isn't super great at algebra. Although, with how many hours the pair have drained into improving his grades, he should be far better at school than he currently is.

Bakugou sighs to himself, knowing they will probably end up in his dorm again tonight. Shaking his head, he pulls his gaze away from the redhead and brings it back to the yellow-sleeping-bag-encased teacher. Math has always come easy to him, just like everything else in school. He may have a bad-boy reputation to the class and, honestly, the entire school, but he's always been the kind of student to have perfect grades. Bakugou quickly begins jotting down the notes, even though he already knows all of it. This is going to be a long, boring day.


The bell rings loudly, alerting all of the students that the day of school has finally ended. Everyone in the class rushes to put their materials into their bags and make their way out the door, loud conversations filling the room. That is, everyone except for Bakugou. He never really feels the need to run out of the class that everyone else does; he genuinely enjoys school, especially since it's so easy for him. Plus, if he left now, he's have to deal with the wild crowds of antsy students escaping to the dorms. As he slowly places his last notebook in his bag, he feels an arm drape itself over his shoulders and pull him in closer to whoever was there. He quickly turns, ready to blast the idiot who dared to touch him at all but stops once he sees glimmering white shark teeth and a head of blazing red hair. Kirishima.

"Bakugou! You gotta help me today. Algebra is way too hard. I mean, who decided that numbers and letters should be mixed?!"

Bakugou rolls his eyes and zips his bag up, slinging it over his shoulder while shrugging off Kirishima's arm. "Sure shitty hair. I guess I could help your dumb self with some easy math." Beneath all of the harsh words and insults, Bakugou feels excited at the idea of spending more time with his closest friend. His heart begins to beat a little faster, and he feels a bit of warmth creep into his cheeks.

"Thanks, Bakubro! I really need the help." Kirishima disregarded all of the hurtful words, probably pegging it on his friend's fiery personality. The pair begins to make their way down the long maze of hallways and out of the school, walking slowly through the cherry-blossom-filled courtyard. Their chatter fills the air around them, Kirishima talking and laughing loudly as Bakugou yells and mutters in response. Smiles adorn both of their faces, though Bakugou's is near microscopic due to his beliefs which go against showing any emotions other than anger.

They arrive at the dorms, still talking loudly as they head to Bakugou's room. Kirishima skips ahead like a little kid, causing Bakugou to roll his eyes as heat creeps back into his cheeks. He stops at the door and moves to the side, allowing Bakugou to unlock and open it. Together, they proceed inside. Bakugou takes a seat at his desk while the other boy sits cross-legged on the floor, pulling the contents of his bag out and setting them beside him.

"All right. Let's get started on this horrible, terrible, awful algebra." Kirishima sighs and dramatically falls over, sprawling across the floor.

"I swear to god, shitty hair. It's just math. You're training to be a hero, dumbass. Fighting villains is way harder than solving a couple of basic problems."

"But I would much rather punch some bad guys than go through this stuff." He sits up and punches the air as if to prove his point before picking up one of the papers strewn around the floor.

"Then let's get this over with." The two boys begin to work on the math, Bakugou aggressively telling Kirishima what he's doing wrong until the last problem has been finished correctly. The redhead jumps up as he boxes the final answer, doing a small dance around the cramped room in celebration of his simple accomplishment. Bakugou sighs in a disappointed manner, but inside, he can feel butterflies flapping in his stomach and a blush forming on his cheeks as he watches his friend dorkily celebrate his minor victory.

"Yo Bakubro! We should watch a movie to celebrate my win against complicated algebra." Kirishima exaggeratedly flexes his arms while showing off his gleaming white teeth in a smile so bright it could rival the sun.

Bakugou sighs, but internally, he's ecstatic. "Fine, hair for brains." He stands up and grabs his laptop from the bedside table, then plops himself onto the bed. "What do you want to watch?"

"Let's do Howl's Moving Castle. I love Studio Ghibli, plus it's my favorite movie!" Kirishima jumps onto the bed next to Bakugou, settling himself into the pillows.

"I swear to god, you're such a little kid," Bakugou says as he pulls the movie up on his laptop and drapes the blanket over his and Kirishima's legs. The redhead moves in closer to Bakugou as the video begins, pressing against the boy next to him and putting his head on the taller boy's shoulder. Bakugou blushes madly, thanking God that Kirishima is focused on the screen in front of them and not at the mess he's made of Bakugou.

Gaining the courage to look down at Kirishima, Bakugou notices how the glow of the screen brightens his face and outlines his jawline, adding an extra glimmer to his blazing red eyes. His body is warm against Bakugou's and is strong and well-built. A slight grin adorns his face, causing a tiny dimple to appear in his cheek and brighten the world around him. Everything about him is perfect, and Bakugou now understands how hard he's fallen for this ray of sunshine. A perfect beam of sunlight named Kirishima.

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