I Do

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~6 Years Later~

Bakugou's fingers pull at his red tie as he looks himself over in the mirror for the millionth time that day. His hair is a slightly tamer version of his usual undercut spikes, but rather than his hero suit or the usual sweats for lazing around the house, a suit is reflected back at him. It's almost time. Reaching under his white shirt, Bakugou pulls out the still-shining ring to examine it.

The red is nearly as bright as the eyes of his fiancé, but nothing will truly ever compete with those irises in Bakugou's mind. He moves his fingers over the small letters traced into the band, remembering that day from so many years ago. The promise. One that he's proud to say he fulfilled.

No matter how nervous he is, he'll never regret that decision.

As the door swings open, Bakugou is taken out of his worried trance and turns to see his parents stepping into the room. Wordlessly, the pair move in to wrap him in a tight hug.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing? Just cause I'm getting married doesn't mean you get to fucking hug me whenever you guys want." Yet he doesn't struggle against their arms.

They step back together, sharing a look before turning back to Bakugou. "It's just that we're so happy this day came." Masaru says softly.

"And we were worried it might never come with your shitty personality." Mitsuki says with a joking smile.

"Hah?! You take that back hag!"

Mitsuki laughs loudly before wrapping her son in yet another tight hug, evidently paying no mind to the stream of curses escaping his mouth. "You know I'm kidding, calm down. We're just so happy that you found someone so amazing that you really love."

"It's true." Masaru adds as his wife retakes her place beside him. "That boy out there is really something special. So are you ready to do this?"

Bakugou inhales deeply, replacing the ring under the fabric of his shirt and adjusting his tie one final time. "Ready as I'll ever fucking be."

"That's my boy. I'll be out there, then." Mitsuki says, but before leaving, she calls out one final time. "Don't screw this up, brat! Kirishima better be my son-in-law by the end of the day!"

"Shut it old lady!" Bakugou sighs before looking to his dad.

"Are you sure you're ready to do this?" Masaru asks, smiling lightly at Bakugou.

Reaching up to touch the spot where the ring lies below his shirt, Bakugou nods and wraps his arm around his father's. "I've never loved anyone nearly as much as I love that shitty-haired ray of fucking sunshine out there. I wish I'd married him long before this."

Together, they step out of the dressing room to stand before the tall wooden doors leading outside. After calming his nerves, Bakugou pushes them open.

All eyes are on them, though more specifically Bakugou. He is one of the grooms after all. Before him lies a trail in the grass covered in a layer of pure white flower petals, each side flanked by a few rows of chairs filled with their closest family and friends. Fairy lights are strung between wooden posts, illuminating the ceremony along with the soft light of sunset. Thanks to the perfect timing, everything is bathed in a golden light. A piece of the sun shining almost as bright as Kirishima does.

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