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I tossed and turned and snuggled into my magenta covers trying to get warm. It felt below freezing in here and that's saying something since us Trykens have thermal manipulation, the ability to manipulate our body temperatures.

There must be another storm approaching.

Sometimes the storms we experience lasts for months on end.
I was about to get up to check if the shutters in my room were properly closed or not when I woke up to the most astonishing sight.

Ice. Everywhere.

My entire room was covered in a sheet of ice. The frost was slowly making its way up my bedcovers and consuming the warmth. The sound of blasters firing and buildings demolishing mixed with the cries of war could be heard in the distance.

Just then my father's sister, Giana, all but barges into my room with an expression that can only be described as panic etched onto her face. She has on the Tryken uniform, a blue jumpsuit with bronze accents. Her long brown hair that fades into lime green towards the middle is pulled into a bun.

"We must leave immediately, the attack has come earlier than expected."

So it seems that they are still power hungry. Our soldiers have anticipated that there will be an attack from the Nayoks but not this soon. The Nayoks are native to the planet Zanov, found in Proxima, just 4.5 light years away. Nayoks hold the most power and dominance in Proxima. They declared cosmic war on their neighboring planets and then invaded them one after the other, forcing the inhabitants to become their slaves.

I nod and get up to follow my aunt. Everyone in the palace has already been informed of the protocol in terms of the Princess, me. It involves getting me to the safe house ASAP where I have been ordered to stay until the war is over.

It seems that ruling an entire planetary system was not sufficient for the Nayoks because they have now declared war on my home, my planet


In a twisted way, it sort of makes sense that they have decided to attack us first, after all, we are closest to Proxima and are probably the most powerful race in the solar system, aside from the martians of course, but they are very peaceful and calm beings that would rather let themselves be killed or even turned into slaves than resort to violence. Even though together they probably have enough power to obliterate all matter in the universe.

"Esme, we need to hurry, the palace is almost completely frozen." Aunt Giana warned.

"What about my parents, where are they?"

"Your father has gone out to join our soldiers in the war, and your mother has already been escorted to her safe house." She replies as she leads us out of the palace.

"I thought that mother and I were staying together?" I ask in confusion.

"You need to get to safety, we'll discuss this later." Aunt Giana says hastily.

As I continue to follow her, the only thought running through my mind is

Why was everyone but me informed of the change of plans?

The safe house is shielded with a holographic projector that allows it to go undetected. Although I absolutely loathe the idea of me just sitting idle while my people are out fighting for their lives as well as mine, it is more logical to stay out of the way than to to get in the middle of everything without having the slightest clue of what to do.

The Nayoks as I have mentioned before, are sort of like ice monsters. They can generate ice and manipulate water and even shape shift into various aliens. They can also manipulate atmospheric temperatures and freeze entire oceans with a single touch. Our thermal manipulation does not work against their cold manipulation; the Nayoks are just too powerful.

As I follow Aunt Giana, I spot my father, The King of Neptune, fighting amongst his people. He is still handsome despite his age. He has short brown hair, a graying beard and cerulean eyes. My father is a very selfless man, he would even give his life for his people.

There are Nayoks everywhere you look; destroying buildings, killing Trykens and others busy being dead. My aunt tugs my hand indicating that I should get a move on. But as I move to take a step forward, my eyes catch a glimpse of the scene about to unfold before me and suddenly its as if everything is moving in slow motion, I stop mid action and watch as a Nayok rams a block of ice mercilessly in to my father's back.

He let's out a pain filled cry before he meets my eyes and falls to the ground. His body deteriorates and turns into dust that gets swept with the wind.

I just witnessed my father being killed.

The man who has taken care of my every need.

The man I looked up to.

The man who never failed to cheer me up when I was having a bad day despite how busy he might be.

The only man who I've ever loved...just died before me and I merely watched on.

My mind keeps replaying that moment over and over again, the moment where my father's deep blue eyes met my own lavender ones. His eyes a mixture of pain, guilt and helplessness before they went lifeless.

I felt hatred.

Pure ,agonizing, blistering hatred for the Nayoks; the creatures who took my father away from me, who destroyed my home. I felt the anger coursing through my veins, begging to be unleashed.

I will never see my father again.

The fire burning inside me became too much to bear and so I let it out, I let out all of the anger and rage inside me in a burst of bright white light

...before everything went black.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's note.

Hey guys. This is my first wattpad book, I know it isn't all that great and there might be many mistakes but please give this book a chance. :)

Please comment, it helps to know what you guys think about my book.

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